Page 5 - "Cap" Cowley - A Salvage Tug Captain
ISSUE : Issue 54
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1990/6/1
Delivering groceries-one of three trips to the Vemicos Nicolaos: "The Newfoundlanders-sometimes I didn't want to let them go- in a dory, in real bad weather. But the things they'll do~l was sur? prised. You know, I wasnt used to It. "One ship particularly. The ship had run out of food. And it was really dirty, dirty weather. And she'd run out of bunkers. Or the bunkers were no good, I think that was the trouble. At any rate, she had to be towed. And we found her out about 800 miles south of Bermuda. And when I got down to her, the weather was des? perate. And she asked right away, she said, "Can you send us some foodr So I was going to send a signal, "No." I said, "We'll have to wait for the weather to improve." And the chief officer was a Newfoundlander, Willy Miles. He's dead now. Willy says, "Cap? tain, I'll take the dory over." He picked a couple of seamen out. i And they threw the dory over the side, and hopped into the dory. And other fellows had some food ready. They filled the dory up I with food and they rowed across to that ship. And they just put the bow of the dory in, and they got the ship to send them down a heaving line, and they hung into position there, backing and filling, lashing the line onto the food and sent it! And come back safely and picked the dory up~nolx)dy was damaged or hurt at all! "Oh, they were great boys. Oh, yeah. See, that was entirely vol? untary. I wouldn't have sent them." weeks after, I got another letter, to join another ship in Southampton. And do you know, the same thing happened to that ship. I didn't join it. The same thing happened to her. She hit a magnetic mine. But there were only a few people lost. So, now the war had been going on for about two months. And I thought, "I'm go? ing to join the Navy. To heck with the Merchant Service." So I wrote to the Navy, and I asked what they had for a fellow See life as it was In Cape Breton during the 19th century. Nova Scotia Highland Village The Highland Village shows examples of dwellings built in Scotland, the first homes built with basic tools in Cape Breton, as well as buildings that exemplify the settlers' firm foothold in the new land. More than half of the planned buildings are completed, and work goes on. Come see us grow. OPEN DAILY JUNE 15 to SEPTEMBER 15 MONDAY - SATURDAY 9 to 5 / SUNDAY 11 to 6 The Highland Village is located at lona on Route 223 which leaves the Trans-Canada (Route about 7 miles east of Whycocomagh. Route 223 is a scenic alternative paved route eastward to the Sydney area. Two short ferry rides provide pleasant breaks in the drive. Highland Village Day AUGUST 4 • 29th year of this festival featuring traditional Scottish entertainment Please Note: The Highland Village will be closed to the public on August 5. with, a foreign-going Mate's ticket. And they offered me this job on an AMC--that's an Armed Merchant Cruiser--as a watchkeep- ing officer. And that didn't strike me ei? ther, so I wrote back and asked them what else they had. (Shopping for your position in the war!) Then they offered me this job as First Officer on an ocean-going salvage tug. And I said, "Now, that sounds like an exciting job!" I said, "I'll accept it." So, it wasn't long after that I found my? self down in Falmouth. (Had you done any salvage work up till then?) Not at all. The green hills of Cape Breton, the sparkling waters of the Bras d'Or Lakes and warm highland hospitality await you at The 9{i??fiCand iHeigfits Inn A cozy retreat off the beaten track, but on the road to every? where in Cape Breton. Day trip to Fortress Louisbourg, beautiful Arichat or the Alexander Graham Bell museum in Baddeck. Visit the Puffin Islands, explore sandy beaches, see a replica of a 19th century Scottish Village. Then return to your home away from home. The Highland '{tights Inn offers you a view of the Bras d'Or Lakes, private baths, two double beds in each room, and pleasant, relaxing surroundings plus a licensed dining room with o full menu of seafood and local dishes. Innkeepers Bruce and Sheila MacNeil cmi
Cape Breton's Magazine