Page 48 - Danny Mike Chaisson, Belle Cote
ISSUE : Issue 54
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1990/6/1
he was only at it a year or so when people quit keeping animals. Today, there's very few animals being kept. You wouldn't find --not half a dozen cows from here to Chet? icamp. At one time every place had a cow, 'Mi''i''B'HiiiM'''H'or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5. BUOYl Seafood & Steak M RESTAURANT Baddeck, N.S. 295-2581 ,. In those days a cow meant a lot to a fam? ily, you know. It meant that--well, if you'd get your milk and your butter and your beef. But today, everything costs so much--so much higher --that that doesn't really change the picture too much, you know, suppose you have your milk, or a cow, beef. Today they go out, and in a day's pay they get more money than, probably, a cow is worth. You know? You wouldn't find a half a dozen cows, proba? bly, in this parish. Literacy It'saBnlathie Many modern educators consider the term "literate" to mean the ability to read, write and do the mathematics which our jobs and daily lives require. That means that with a job change or promotion, employees may find the need to upgrade their skills in order to perform new tasks. In the Department of Advanced Education and Job Training we are developing and delivering programs with workplace groups to promote and develop literacy. These programs concentrate on practical JOB-RELATED read? ing, writing, speaking, mathematics and problem solving skills. It's an important issue - not just because 1990 is desig? nated as International Literacy Year - but because Nova Scotian workers and businesses must compete today and tomorrow In an Increasingly sophisticated local, national and world marketplace. We're here to assist business. Industry and unions that want to increase the skills that their employees need to do their jobs with competence and confidence. >C Department of Advanced Education and Job Training from Margaree Church to the other end of the parish. (Did you keep cows yourself?) Oh. yes, I kept. I had as high as 15 head of cattle at that. (And what made you give it up? ) Well--my years. And there wasn't that much money in it. You know, in those days, you'd be working for a couple of dollars a day, you know, doing all right. But today, a couple of dollars--you know, you wouldn't get a kid to go for your mail for that.... Then I went into real estate. I made more money at that than I did the rest of my life. You'd sell a property. It was a strong property if you didn't make a hun? dred dollars. So, you didn't have to sell too many that you'd make--it would be more money than I ever saw in my life. (I would think the farmers around here would have been quite grateful for your work.) You know, in olden days there was no such a thing. It's only when--I was probably the first that started here, when they started. Before that, everybody, or every other fellow, had a bull. And it got so that they weren't allowed any more to keep them. They were on the road, getting in trouble. So, there was one time there that cows were nonexistent in this place, until artificial breeders came for a few years. And it's almost going back to the same thing again today, that there's none. And if a car struck an animal on the road, you were liable for it. The owner of the cow. No matter what was wrong with the driver. Your animal wasn't supposed to be on the road. (Did cows used to just roam, before the cars came?) Yeah, they'd roam. Or sometimes they'd jump. You know, some of them could jump over half the height of this building. Or tear a fence down and get out on the road. And if a car struck it--even if you did it intentionally--the cow was to blame. GEORGE MacNEIL MEATS Ltd. POINT ACONI ROAD - 736-8249 736-3518 Now! Is the time to fill your freezer for the long Winter ahead! • BEEF • Cut and wrapped for your freezer Front Quarter $1.69 lb. Hind Quarter $2.39 lb. • Side of Beef $1.89 lb. Fresh Pork by the Side $1.39 lb. Fresh Lamb also available at reasonable prices. Avoid Disappointment - Come Early
Cape Breton's Magazine