Page 54 - Gobineau: Cape Breton's People, 1859
ISSUE : Issue 54
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1990/6/1
of the debate in this part of the new wortd. In terms of excesses of language, nothing is lacking, and one finds in the mouths, or under the pens of the zealous dissidents of Cape Breton, every one of the same catalogue of insults borrowed from the Bible in the time of Cromwell. To them, the Catholic Church is nrwre and more the Apoc? alyptic Beast. Their catholic enemies are the Amalakites, others the Ammonites, the sons of Belial, of the Tynans, of Gog and Magog. It takes a while to realize that these people are very serious. At first, you could think that they are putting on a play based on a novel by Walter Scott. However the Macbriars and the Kettledmmmle are none the wiser for they have probably not read The Puritans of Scot? land v/hWe they use in this nineteenth century the language and the sentiments of the past with an absolute sincerity of conviction. The clothes wom by these zealous successors of the Covenanteers re? veal the sullen and pedantic virtue of their models. Long black or brown suits, poorly tailored, enormous hats under which they disap? pear, pale and long faces, a sullen demeanour, a language of the nx)st austere type; they have all that and revel in it. This sort of uni? form is pertectly suited to happy souls whose favourite credo is to damn everybody and, for fear of forgetting anybody, by including themselves just a little with the lot. Siuberges iiunnoLvn 'Jans - Welcome ''''' You to 50 Modern Relaxing Rooms & Great Dining at Great Prices WANDLYN INN 100 King's Road, Sydney, Nova Scotia B1S1A1 (902) 539-3700 TOLL FREE: 1-800-561-0000 (Canada) 1-800-561-0006 (U. S.) Senior Citizen Discount Your Home Away From Home Catholtes respond to this pennanent state of war by intensifying their attachment to the external forms of their cult. Here, the Irish go as far as the Italians and the Spaniards might have gone in the past. They surround their pnests with an affection and a veneration which sur? passes everything that will be seen anywhere else. Their priests are, in all things, their confidants, their advisors and, if need be, their polit? ical leaders. They demand a great deal in return, so much so that the positton of these all-powerful priests is not a sinecure. The manner in which the houses are spread out in this country gives to some parish? es the size that bishoprics might have anywhere else, and since the faithful feel the need to fortify themselves with the consolations, the advice or the help of their pastor in every circumstance of their lives such as sickness, accidents, sorrow, worries, anxieties, they are con? stantly on the point of calling for him. Love is unreasonable and does not brook interference. Therefore, no one would understand if a priest, summoned in the middle of the night, and having to travel ten leagues away through forests and mts, might hesitate for a minute. (The French league was the equivalent of 4444 metres and a half, or As a consequence, the clergy lives a most difficult and yet a most ev? angelical life. Whether they are in the isolated fami of an Acadian, in the wigwam of an Indian, far away in the marshes, at times sun-ound- ed by their parishioners, in the church, the rectory, the school, they do not have a moment's respite; they are everywhere at the same time: no one ever leaves them alone, they are listened to always but they must speak constantly. I was able to see by myself what the life of the clergy is like in Nova Scotia through the relationship I had the honour to establish with the Reverend Father Quinan, the venerable pastor of Sydney. His is the very model of an apostolic life. (Reverend James Quinan. born in Halifax, studied at St. Mary's College and the Petit Seminaire. in Quebec, where he was ordained to the priesthood on 12 March 1853. Pastor of Svdnev in October 1853. He was one of six priests from the same family in three generations. Father Donald F. MacAdam. his successor in Svdnev, echoed Gobineau's opinion of Fr. Vac Shack C #1 For Service ' VACUUM SALES & SERVICE • Parts & Accessories • Most Makes & Models 15% DISCOUNT FOR SENIORS 213 Charlotte St. Sydney, N. S. OFFICIAL WARRANTY DEPOT FOR RLTER QUEEN *?? '??..>sa-.. /Kmnmmmm &TRISTAR; 562-5562 TTTTZX CO-OP Building Supplies V W'WP STATION ST.. PORT HAWKESBURY ?? 625-2600'i STATION ST., PORT HAWKESBURY - 625-2600' KING'S ROAD, SYDNEY - 539-6410 Paints and Stains I COOP PATIO DECKS Manufacturers of Quality HARBOUR HOMES MM) Pointing the Way to Better Living We've been building quality into our homes for more than 32 years. Over 40 Home Plans to Choose from You've'Got Experience on Your Side OIMI/IPTC
Cape Breton's Magazine