Page 62 - From Visits with John A. MacIsaac
ISSUE : Issue 54
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1990/6/1
out of me to stay. He'd get me work--more work than ever I could do. But this youngest brother was with me. And he wanted to come home. So what in the name of good gracious above could I do? So I had to come, so. (John A., there was another boat story. I don't remember you telling me this story, but I had heard about it. I think you fell overboard while out fishing?) Yeah. I was going down. And we had to go to Dingwall to go out, to go out the channel. It was after a storm, a southeast storm. Then, there was an old swell in the water. And I was going along side-on to it. I had a (lobster) trap over there, and when I was coming down handy to where I was going to start to haul, I went over, and I "Granny's Special Gifts" is a unique gift service maldng your gift giving easy, convenient and enjoyable 5 Ferry Street, Sydney - 564-8257 Exclusive Gift Baskets for All Occasions! A DELIGHTFUL ASSORTMENT OF: Hospttal Gift Baskets Mother & Baby Gift Basltets Bath Soap Baskets Tea-Time Baskets {Anniversary & Wedding Baskets Diabetic Baskets Gourmet Food & Fruit Baskets "NEW" THIS YEAR: "The Cape Breton Basket Filled with Cape Breton Foods & Crafts A great gift for a friend or visitor, or a souvenir to take home with you! 9? caught the trap like this. I turned around like this--I was going to put it over there. Then here's the two paddles, the two oars were laying there, but they were right loose. And when I went with the swell that way, I hit the oars, and the oars went from me, and I went headfirst, backhanded, like that. (Into the water.) Into the water. (And who was with you on the boat?) No one. Not a soul. (Was your motor running?) Yeah, motor was running. I couldn't get to swing the motor itself, (to) swing the boat. But, my grip--I had a terrible good grip in my hands. But backhanded, like that, they were weakening. So, I said at last. "I've got to do something." I didn't want to try and catch the rudder, because the propeller'd chop the arms off of me. So, I said at last. "Here she goes." So I had to let go one hand, and slip up on my belly. I grabbed with the other one. So I had the two hands then. So I went along, quite a little ways, skipping along. (Let me understand. When you fell in, what were you holding onto?) Onto the boat. The boat was behind me here. There. She was going along like that. And I was that way, down, head (down) in the water. (Your feet were in the water?) No. yes, a little, but.... I was holding onto the gunwale. (With your'arms behind you.) Yeah. (Oh, my God.) Oh, it was tough. But, I fared off all right here. Flipped myself over, and I grabbed with the other hand. I didn't know if I was going to swing myself with one-- probably the first little jerk, it'd snap me from the boat. But no. I got ahold with the other one before anything happened. (So you never got away from the boat.) No, no, no. (And the boat was moving all this time.) Oh, she was running, yeah. And I couldn't get in over that end, boy, to catch the rope to swing her. MacLeod Lorway and You. Partners Prosperity Together we can keep your future bright (So what did you do after you got back in the boat?) I went on down. I hauled me traps. I hauled my traps after? ward. Went on fishing. • PERSONAL INS. • COMMERCIAL FIRE • CONSTRUCTION • LIABILITY • BONDING • PLEASURE CRAFT • LIFE • TRAVEL 1' MacLeod Lorway Insurance 539-6666 (Toll free in Cape Breton) 215 Charlott'e St., Sydney - Fax 539-4067 (And you used to walk everywhere.) Yeah, walk everywhere. Walked to North Sydney, and Syd? ney. Right from home. Sugarloaf. (Not a ride along the way?) No, not a ride. It would take about 3 days. One trip--that was in the spring of 1923--I worked in Maine that winter. And stayed there till down in April, we
Cape Breton's Magazine