Page 28 - Mystery at Blackett's Lake
ISSUE : Issue 55
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1990/8/1
go out to the lake--this is getting on to 1 o'clock or 2 o'clock in the morning. (He) suggests that we go out to the lake, pick up the bottle of rum--pint--and bring it back to my place. And we'll have some drinks and watch the Late Show. So we get in his car--he had a small yellow Vega--and we drive out to the lake. And we pull up next to the spot where we put it. And we get out, and of course the bottle's gone. Right where we left it--it's gone, disappeared. And we knew nobody saw us there--we knew that for a fact, because there was just nobody out there, it was pitch black. But we could see where we left it, because it was just this one little tree, far away from the other little ones. So, I go up to the hole, he goes up to the hole, we're sticking our hands right down around the trunk of the tree, trying to feel right down to the grass. Couldn't feel it--it wasn't down there. So, we couldn't quite figure this out. So we decided to start searching all the other trees, just on the off chance that we'd made a mistake and put it in one of the other trees. Al? though we knew we put it in this other one. We couldn't believe that it was gone. So we started to search. So we're going around all these trees, and we're sticking our hands down about a foot and a half down, right to the grass, through all this hard-packed snow. Nothing. Nothing. We went around. Since 1914 H. H. Marshall Limited Corporate Head Office Halifax, N. S. 3731 Macintosh Street r-wHOLESALE distributors') B3K 5N5 L OF PERIODICALS & BOOKS" J H. H. MARSHALL Founder and First President H. H. MARSHALL LIMITED TAKE GREAT PRIDE IN OUR COMMUNITY AND THE MANY PEOPLE WE SERVE. IT HAS GIVEN US OUR VALUED HERITAGE AND WE LOOK FORWARD TO AN EXCITING FUTURE. BRANCH OFFICES CHARLOTTETOWN ST. JOHN'S SYDNEY H. H. Marshall LIMITED 103 York Street, Sydney (539-3220) DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOMED Lawrence said, "This is ridiculous. We know we put it here." So, this is what we decided to do. He took his car and turned it right into the ditch, and put his high beams right on that tree. Then we started to wrestle out this huge snow shovel. Be? cause this is what we figured had hap? pened: we figured that it fell down to the grass, and it slid out underneath the snow somewhere. That's all we could figure could happen. So we start to wrestle out this big snow shovel. It took us a good, almost, 5 minutes to get it out, because it was a big, ungainly shovel, and it was a small little car. So we got it out. We walked over to the tree. And I'm sure, just as he was going to swing up, this is when we heard this scream. Now this scream wasn't like anything you've ever heard in your life. This scream started out so high-pitched and abrasive that--it sort of sounded like tires being squealed on a really sharp turn or something. Only really higher pitched than that. So we stopped, we froze--we just froze dead solid, because we didn't know what this noise was. I sort of looked up the road to? wards where Route 4 would be, because I sort of thought it might have been tires squealing. But, it began to drop in pitch. And it got lower and lower and lower. We started to realize that it was a sort of a voice of some sort--a real abrasive and horrible voice, too, I'm going to tell you. You've never heard nothing like this. And it dropped in pitch. And then it dawned up? on us that it wasn't coming from any par? ticular direction at all. It seemed to be reverberating all around us. And this went on for a long time, like about 15 seconds it took for this scream to go down in pitch. And it ended off getting really low, like a low gutteral growl, sort of really horrible. "Blaaaahhh," sort of thing. And then it just stopped dead. And echoed off the hills for a second or two. And there we were, frozen--just frozen solid. And didn't know what was going on. Scared white. It took us about two seconds to get that F. MacLEOD SIDING LTD. LICENSED AND BONDED UNDER DiRECT SELLERS ACT • Replacement Windows • Vertical & • Doors & Steel Entrances Horizontal Sliders • Solid Vinyl Siding • Store Fronts • Casements & Awning • Commercial Steel Siding • Shutters • Aluminum Siding (Custom Made in Our Plant) VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS ALL TYPES ROOFING IMPROVEMENTS I "Your House Matters to You, So You Matter to Us" MOBILE cf'A fiTAfi 107ARGYLEST. 551-4683 DOH-DiHD SYDNEY SERVING CAPE BRETON ISLAND
Cape Breton's Magazine