Page 30 - Mystery at Blackett's Lake
ISSUE : Issue 55
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1990/8/1
flying over the ice at night. That's the most common thing I get from people. Al? though some people have said they've been followed around in the area there with what appeared to be--someone once told me it was something like a Christmas-tree-shape thing. It was dark in the winter, and all they could think of was a shape of a Christ? mas tree, or a pyramid-sort-of-shape thing, following them across a field, and stuff. A black Christmas tree sort of shape. (Anything else?) There's been--here's some? thing I want to confirm. Although I can't do it for sure. I don't know what the real sto? ry is. There's been a few kind of strange deaths happening around the lake.... But the most strange one I heard was when I was about 15. And this was before anything happened to me. I just thought it was a weird sort of drowning that happened here. There's some people out there that had a bungalow out there. And I believe it was their son that found the body of this girl that had drowned there. Apparently--what he told my brother--is that the police had told them...that the girl that they found drowned in the lake was from Ontario. She wasn't re? lated to anybody here. She had never been here before in her life. She didn't know anybody that lived here. She didn't know anybody here at the time. She'd apparently caught a plane from Ontario to the Sydney Airport, took a taxi to the lake, and drowned herself. And this is what he told. (So now. 't:'. ;' Ice Cream Company Ltd, Cape Breton Shopping Plaza Sydney River, N. S. , 539-0424 *27te !rinest Ice Cream Made Here 'EspeciaCCy for O'ou OPEN 7 Days a Week ICE CREAM PARLOUR and BAKERY you are researching anything that says "Blackett.") I've been looking for this. There's not too much around. But it didn't occur to me till the other day that I should start looking under Cox? heath and Coxheath Moun? tain, which leads right down to the lake. And what '''s'' ';'''Q Maritime IVIuseum of the Atlantic 1075 Lower Water Street Halifax, N.S. 429-8210 N.S.M. Complex 23 locations throughout the province >CI Nova Scotia Museum 1747 Summer Street Halifax, N.S. 429-4610 N.S.M. Complex 23 locations throughout the province ''raii'' Department of .>'' Education 30
Cape Breton's Magazine