Page 40 - Clara Buffett Remembers Hilda Wright
ISSUE : Issue 55
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1990/8/1
of saying, "Well, go upstairs." Or, "Go to that room," or "Go to that room." Or, the kids--all the children were the cutest and the nicest and the whatnot. You know, how bright they were and all the rest--everybody. Because it be? longed, all, to this integrated thing. And you can lose that. If you're just looking for a job. This with Elinor was not a job. I don't know what she was paid, haven't the faintest idea. But certainly for the first few years, she wasn't paid anything--none of us were. And certainly Shirley is not being paid anything. I doubt if they even pay her for her gas for her car, I imagine, knowing Shirley.... I don't know, if we're going to lose that. And if we lose it,... And it's very hard to recover. E''iffif ''4*'''"k*''e III m t~. (Cap ilBttd l<*%i?f*>t fe- F Bliliiilll liilBII 1 hesesgns nvteyo Mif*??> ' A' %;> u to come 1 moke new fr,?, .d- '. .d e/v'e,, 1 ence o unique way to enjoy 1 Cape Breton's famed hospitality. 1 For more information. 1 drop in at any Cape Breton 1 Tourist Bureau, 1 or write to P.O. Box 1750, 1 Sydney, N.S. B1P6T7 1 Attention: Ray Peters 1 1-800-565-9460 1 A program of: 1 • ' Enterprise 1 jffl' CapeBreton 1 lilr Corporation 1 Canada 1 • ? p'M (uip ]Br 1 1 Mmmme 1 e bo 1 hotes chaleureux qui vous feront 1 decouvrir I'hospitalite Iegendaire 1 du Cap-Breton. 1 Pour plus de renseignements, 1 adressez-vous d n'importe quel 1 bureau d'information touristique 1 du Cap-Breton ou ecrivez a M. 1 Ray Peters, C.P. 1750, Sydney 1 (N.E) B1P6T7 1 1-800-565-9460 1 Une initiative de: • 1 • jf Societe 1 lHw d'expansion 1 lilr ''?Cap-Breton 1 Canada 1 1 (Certainly you were close to Hilda to have visited her and to have trav? elled like that.) Oh, yes, yes. we were. I don't know if it's a matter of liking. I don't know if she liked me or not! (I don't know whether it mattered!) (Clara laughs.) No! I think she got a kick out of me. Be? cause I tested her all the time. And she used to love it. I can still--she was sitting here, and I'd be over there, and asking her questions, and what did she think of this, out of the Bible. And she said, "I don't pay much attention to the Bible." But she had her creed. (That's what she said, though, that she didn't pay much at? tention to the Bible.) No, no. She was not a student. She was not a stu? dent. Only of mankind, I suppose. No, hers was a gut feeling of kindness. Our thanks to Shirley Chernin for her help in preparing this article. Photographs of Hilda Wright and Town House courtesy Citizens Service League. RoUie's (Wharf) Restaurant and Lounge - Specializing in Fresh Seafood and Steaks - "' LICENSED RESTAURANT i LOUNGE Lunch and Dinner 11:30 a. m. to 10 p.m. 7 Days a Week 411 Purvis Street in North Sydney Monday to Saturday * 7 p. m. to 2 a. m. Large Video Screen and Dance Floor Live Entertainment Near Lifeguard Supervised Recreation on the NORTHSIDE WATERFRONT near MARINE ATLANTIC Newly Remodelled Wharf for Pleasure Craft
Cape Breton's Magazine