Page 52 - The Story of the HMS Pelican
ISSUE : Issue 55
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1990/8/1
with which Canadians are inspired, and must have thrilled the gallant commander and brother officers with feelings of pleasure and pride. "At the close of the afternoon ceremonies in the park a four-oared boat race took place on Sydney harbor. In this event the International Pier trimmers took the first prize and the Sydney crew second, with the International shippers and Point Edward crews close 3rd and 4th. "Our citizens will always remember with gratitude the assistance ren? dered the Mayor and committees by Commander Horsely, his offi? cers and men in carrying out the ceremonies during the day, neither will they forget the kindness of Admiral Erskine in detailing this ship and her fine crew, to take part in our celebration. The success of the day's festivities was largely attributed to the eclat which attended the part taken therein by this ship's company, and we extend to them our heartfelt thanks. "The fine show made by the blue-jackets (who appeared, as usual, to be the favorites with the onlookers), the marines and our own forces, the 17th Field Battery and No. 5 Company of the 94th Argyle High? landers, was a fine feature of the procession. The presence of the Grand Chief of the Micmac tribe in full regalia, and his wife, who was in position immediately after the ship's officers, was also pleasing as well as a proper feature of the parade. The school children in white and other in dark dress, with red, white and blue sashes, carrying each a ti? ny flag~the Jack-presented a very taking and attractive spectacle. "The banners and regalias of the Temperance Societies and the P.W.A. Lodges took a most prominent part in the parade and reflects great credit upon the various organizations.... 'The events during the evening were equally as successfully and pleasingly carried out. The electric and rocket display from the Peli? can was especially attractive. The pyrotechnic display from points on the harbour was equally brilliant and together with the tasty illumina? tion of the dwellings, offices and places of business throughout, the town presented a joyous and delightful scene. "As usual 'Queen's weather prevailed, and the rain of Monday only served to allay the dust, and the bright warm sun shone throughout the day to add its splendor to the ceremonies. "We cannot do justice to the many features of the day's programme, nor fittingly refer to the several persons who contributed so much to their success, but must remark upon the efficient and dignified man? ner in which our esteemed Mayor discharged the very delicate and onerous duties imposed upon him." And so we come to the end of our story of the Pelican. The old ship lies rotting in her grave on the shore of Sydney HariDor. Before the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration of the founding of Sydney, in 1935, (I) made strenuous efforts to have the old ship re? floated and at least given decent burial at sea, and a contract was actually let by the Federal Government for this wori< to be done, but it never came to anything practical, although a good sum of nrwney was voted by the Federal Government for this work. Left: the scrapped wreck of the Pelican. Right: the Pelican''b r This article, a speech, was edited from former mayor Sydney E. Muggah's manuscript. The manuscript and photographs are courte? sy of the Beaton Institute archives, UCCB. The drawing by F. W. Wallace is from the W. L. Chyrgwin Collection, Beaton Institute. ASHBY MEDICAL SUPPLY We Rent, Sell & Repair Hospital Equipment: wheelchairs, commode chairs, walkers, beds, canes (WALTER'S RENTALS) 4 SHERIFF AVE., SYDNEY (539-9616) * QUALITY SAME-DAY DRY CLEANING * 6 DAYS A WEEK * Vogue Cleaners Wedding Gown Cleaning & Helrlooming a Specialty GLACE BAY • SYDNEY ALL ROADS LEAD TO THE Ncrth Sydney Mall 1/bbe>Gr A ' Starcade Starcade Peoples Store Schwartz Guys & Gals Pipes & Things Jean Gallery Carlton Cards Workout Fashions 794-4997 52 With Over 23 Shops and Services Super Touch T's 794-8330 Island Fashion 794-4997 Nova Scotia Liquor Commission 794-4917 Co-operators Insurance 794-4788 Shoppers Drug Mart 794-7211 Cape Breton Video 794-7783 Sherry's Treats & Beverages 794-8274 794-4900 794-3567 794-4409 794-8305 794-8244 794-7151 Strings Agnew Alteens Zeilers Sears Sobeys Maher Sports Den 794-4240 794-3429 794-3513 794-7206 794-3610 794-8088 794-3963 794-8810 116 King St., North Sydney, N. S. B2A3R7 Phone: (902)794-4703 or 794-4704
Cape Breton's Magazine