Page 80 - Bill MacRitchie and Early Flight
ISSUE : Issue 55
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1990/8/1
when you get in an aircraft to learn to fly is, you learn the initial necessary things to do. Like examining your air? craft. You have to go around the aircraft, examine the controls, and see if there were any--in those days--holes in the wings or whatever. Because there was linen fabric with a dope material, which is a paint, which would tighten up the fabric and strengthen it. So you have to go all around the aircraft. And get under the en? gine, check the engine--see if there were any oil leaks, or any loose things on your fuel lines. Or look at the propeller, make sure there's no cracks or flaws or any? thing. Go around the aircraft completely. Seafood & Steak RESTAURANT I Baddeck, N.S. 295-2581 And then you get in and sl;art it up. Do you want the whole procedure? (Come on.) Well anyhow, the aircraft had to have chocks in front of the wheels so that it wouldn't run ahead. And the per? son that was flying would have to be in the seat, and with the controls held back, so that if the motor did start, it wouldn't go up in the nose. The proce? dure was, to the man on the ground--there was a man who was in front of the aircraft--the fellow who was supposed to spin the propeller,...which would turn the motor over. See. Switch is off. Then, when they get the thing primed-- it was a very dangerous thing, too, because you could get killed. At least get your arm--in fact, some of our guys got arms broken. Because the thing would flip! And the arm wouldn't be out of the way in time. Had to learn all the procedure. And then they would say, "Contact!" You've heard that expression, eh--"Contact." And away the guy would swing the prop. And perhaps it would go, maybe it wouldn't. But if it went, then he would step out of the way, and you would let the motor warm up for, oh, 5 or 10 minutes. Get the motor well warmed. And then you would check your switches. You had magneto--ignition. Switch on. You could switch one off, one on. You could change the--both magnetos. You could fly with one, but it was double security. Two systems, double plugs, dou? ble everything, see. That was power to your engine. It was very much like the original car. Ford cars--they had a magne? to. Didn't have batteries. And the other elementary thing was the hel? mets with the speaking tubes, which were just the air conveying the sound to your ears. And you imagine with the motor run? ning and with the roar of air going, and the small windscreen in front of you. You were open, in the open. Your straps went crisscross and down between your legs, so that you were securely strapped in. No par? achute. You were just sitting in there. Baddeck Forks Golf Course 9 Holes • Equipment Rentals ~ FULLY LICENSED - BADDECK FORKS PHONE: 295-2174 Main Street, Baddeck (295-2603) WOOLENS * GIFTS ? HANDCRAFTS '4/'" We take pride in our longstanding reputation for fine quality and friendly service. Gift Shop about a minute's drive EAST of the BELL MUSEUM on ROUTE 205 along beautiful BADDECK BAY 295-2786 The HIGH WHEELER Cafe * Deli Bal'ery OSS-aOOe*"*"' Excellent Eaimg ENJOY THE DECK IN THE HEART OF BADDECK! 0 YOUR MINI-DEPARTMENT STORE 0 STONE'S DRUG STORE FOR ALL YOUR PERSONAL NEEDS, INCLUDING Giftware 0 Toys 0 Kodak Film Cape Breton Souvenirs 0 Dry Goods Beauty Products 0 Perfumes & Colognes T-Shirts 0 Laundry Supplies COMPUTERIZED PRESCRIPTION SERVICE Chebucto Street in the Heart of Baddecl< • 295-2404 "HOME OF QUALITY GOODS" MAY, JUNE & OCTOBER 9 - 5 • JULY, AUGUST & SEPTEMBER 9 - 9 Unique Selection of Gifts & Handcrafts (local & Nova Scotian) Scottish Tartan & Cliinaware Business 295-2915 Plus a wide variety of gifts, souvenirs and film Residence 295-2534 Baddeck: One of Canada's Finest Resort Communities
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