Back Cover - Photo: Veronica Giovannetti, J.B.'s Store, Whitney Pier
ISSUE : Issue 55
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1990/8/1
On July 1,1990, Veronica Giovannetti Bobyk closed J. B.'s, the grocery store/confectionery she ran with her husband John for 23 years at the corner of Frederick Street and Lingan Road in Whitney Pier. Before Vonnie and John, the store was run by Albert and Sophie Kokocki. Sophie was Ukrainian and Albert was Polish. Before that, it was run by another Ukrainian couple named Rozulyk. And before them, it was run by a family named Borel. When the Borels had it, it was a full-scale general store selling saddles and hardware and food • anything the growing tum-of-the-century community required.
Cape Breton's Magazine