Page 11 - Ghost Stories Told by Students from St. Joseph School
ISSUE : Issue 56
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/1/1
started running. When he came to the water and muck, he didn't bother with the log, but ran right through the sluice to the safety of his home. He was terrified. A week later a man from Piper's Cove was killed in a mine accident in Glace Bay. The strangers in the funeral procession were some of his fellow workers from the Glace Bay mine. The Vanishing Woman by Jimmy Donnison The story I am about to tell you is true. It happened to my great-great-grandfather who told it to my great-grandmother who told it to my grandmother who told it to me. When my great-great-grandfather was a boy, about my age, he lived in England in a large old house in a lonely spot atop the cliffs of Dover. The house was surrounded by a big garden with lots of apple trees. One day, when he was playing in the gar? den, a lady he had never seen before sud? denly appeared beside him. She asked him to save two apples for her when they had ripened on the trees, and she would return for them later. Mr. Farrell's 1989-90 Grade 6 class from St. Joseph Elementary School, Sydney. Front, left to right: Ryan Hollohan, Shannon Doublett, Cheryl MacQueen, Rheannon Doherty, Juanlta MacKinnon, Re? becca Farrell, Alme MacKelgan, Gary Addlcott. 2nd row: Shawn Murphy, Jim Donnison, Carole A. Sampson, Kristen Rudderham, Jennifer Hail, Jarrid Campbell. Back row: Mr. Farrell, Jeff V. Mac? Neil, Robert Brewer, Blair MacKenzie, Trent Sampson, Jeff A. MacNeil. ANSWERS rOYOUR INSURANd QUEsriONS-irs Do you have questions about AC general insurance (auto, home, liability, #l|y9 bonding, etc.)? We have people h m 'Bmm who can answer your questions E''S ?? over the phone or by mail Bl''W ?? with the right pamphlet. Becoming better informed about insurance is only a phone call away. Ir'urorxce Bureau of Gxrxoda Bureau d'ossurorxce du Gsjvxda Representing private general Halifax* 42Q-?7*50 insurance companies in Canada Toll Free: 1-800-565-7189 Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. AS This he did, placing them on a shelf, but the lady never returned for them. The apples remained on the shelf in case she returned for them. They did not dry up or rot. They turned to stone!!! A Bad Christmas by Jamie Dawson It was Christmas Eve and Peggy MacDonald was getting ready to go to Midnight Mass. Then suddenly she heard sleigh bells. She just ignored it but then she heard them again, so she went outside to see. When she got outside she saw nothing, but heard a voice say, "Something bad is going to happen." Twelve o'clock came and she went to church. Mass got out and she went home. She was asleep when she was awakened by sleigh bells. She went downstairs and she heard a voice say, "Something bad is going to happen." This frightened her greatly. Year 'Round Christmas Shop Le .Brignolet k ' FINE GIFTS > Maritime and Canadian Handcrafts and Souvenirs Folk Art and Country Gifts Quality Brass and Imported Gifts Kitchen and Bath Shop 15 PRINCE STREET SYDNEY BIP 5J4 539-7338
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