Page 15 - Ghost Stories Told by Students from St. Joseph School
ISSUE : Issue 56
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/1/1
This time when she went to the door, there was a man there. It was her son. Art. She asked him when he had come to Sydney and why he hadn't told her that he was coming for a visit. He did not answer any of her questions; nor did he enter her home. He told her that he had come to say he loved her and to tell her good bye. He turned and walked away and waved to her at the end of the long hallway. She was very puzzled by all of this and went to bed, but had little sleep. The next morning her other son came and told her that he had very bad news for her. Before he could say anything, she said that she already knew what it was-- her son Art was dead. Her other son was mystified and asked her how she knew, and she said that Art had come to say good bye to her the night before. In fact they later found out that Art had come at the very same time that he was pronounced dead. This is a true story. The Piano Player by Stacy Lynch My great-grandmother's house was on the top of the hill on Victoria Road in the Pier. It was a small grey house that my grandmother and her sisters and brothers lived in. During a heavy rainstorm in the autumn, everyone went to bed because there was really nothing else to do. Just as every? one was going to sleep, my great-aunt thought she heard someone playing the pia? no but she was sure everyone was in bed. So she got up out of her bed and went to her brother, John. John heard the piano too, but he didn't want to get out of bed. Finally, they both went to the room where the piano was. They looked in the room and could see and hear the piano, but they never did see the piano player. That same piano is now in my grandmother's living-room and some night when everyone is asleep, the piano player could come back. William's Return by Janie Astephen This is a story I know is true because my grandmother told me. It is a story that happened to her grandmother, Katherine. One day many years ago when Katherine was a little girl of eleven, a strange thing happened. The war was over and they were waiting for Katherine's older brother Wil- THE TREASURE COVE GIFTS AND HANDCRAFTS High quality gifts and crafts from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia and abroad 1 • 902-564-8158 tfCASOfcs ??'ffi'c'iNr'4.n Children's books and toys - pre-school to 12 years 1-902-539-3035 Open Mon.-Sat. 9-6, Thurs.-Fri. until 9 74 Townsend St.. Sydney, N. S. B1P 5C8 WE HAVE INFORMATION ON YOUR PROPERTY ~ AND YOU SHOULD KNOW WHAT IT IS! VJe have over 20 pieces of information on every number you see on this map, and we have a number on every property in Cape Breton, Richmond, Victoria, and Inverness Counties. That means we have a number on every property in Cape Breton Island. ~ A SERVICE WORTH INVESTIGATING ~ Land Registration and Information Service Property IVlapping and Records Division 66 Wentworth Street, Sydney, N. S. B1P 6T4 CONTROL SYSTEM of concrete monuments for surveying BASE MAPS: Orthophoto for rural areas, Line Maps for cities, town, villages PROPERTY MAPS with boundary information and ownership information REGISTRY ASSISTANCE for government and private users Your Property Is Our Business • Ask Us About It TELEPHONE (902) 563-2280 or 563-2281 From BADDECK An Agency of the Council of Maritime Premiers
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