Page 32 - Otis Tomas: Making Instruments & Tunes
ISSUE : Issue 56
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/1/1
command of a detachment of troops destined to form the garrison of Louisbourg, now returned to us by the English. Since then I have had no news from the Court, and have re? ceived no recompense for my losses. I have nothing with which to reproach myself. I defy my enemies, if I have any, to find anything blameworthy in my conduct. For one year I was on guard-duty in Louisbourg. Only four captains were available for this duty, the others having been detached for duty elsewhere. Young officers of differ? ent units, called to service in France, were taken into the garrison with the same rank they held in France. On guard duty I knew what it was to take over from a young captain of twenty-two years • a mortifying experience. I asked M. de Herbiers, at that time governor, to permit me to return to my home property, and he agreed to let me go. I had no income other than my seven hundred and twenty livres. Five hundred livres of this goes every year to pay a debt that my late father had not settied at his death, and which I have undertaken to pay. Furthermore, I was bur? dened with a large family. Nevertheless, with the littie I had, I have built a house and made large gardens, whose plants and fruit trees of all kinds always surprise stiangers because of tiieir beauty. All this has put me in debt, since I have been given no favours, and this prevents me from im? proving my lands. Nor can I stock them with farm-animals, though there are many suitable meadows on my property. I hope that M. le comte de Raymond and M. de Surlaville will be willing to do me justice in what I propose. They WE BUY AND WE SELL AND WERE AS NEAR AS YOUR TELEPHONE Sid's Used Furniture Phone 564-6123 436 Charlotte Street, Sydney F. MacLEOD SIDING LTD. LICENSED AND BONDED UNDER DIRECT SELLERS ACT Vertical & Horizontal Sliders Store Fronts Commercial Steel Sidin Aluminum Siding • Replacement Windows • Doors & Steel Entrances • Solid Vinyl Siding I • Casements & Awning • Shutters (Custom Made in Our Plant) VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS ALL TYPES ROOFING IMPROVEMENTS "Your House Matters to You, SoYoulVlattertoUs" MOBILE cf'M cyAC 107ARGYLEST. .S-Si-dfifi!) ODH"OfnrD Sydney SERVING CAPE BRETON ISLAND have visited me at my home. If I had had some assistance I should now be well-fixed and of some service to the colo? ny. Although my property and Louisbourg are only forty leagues apart, the climate is very different in the two places: much fog and cold at Louisbourg, at my place abundant heat in season and never any fog. I no longer have any protection. I have lost His Royal High? ness and relatives who used to help me. I find myself ig? nored by everybody and in serious distress. If Monseigneur tiie Duke of Richelieu has recovered from his illness (he may be willing to assist me) for he was always kind to me, as were M. de Cremille and his brothers. I throw myself at their knees and implore them to have the Cross of St. Louis bestowed upon me, to see to my appointment as perma? nent commandant of Port Dauphin (present-day English- town) • for this place is near my establishment • or to put something else in my way by which I may be able to re? establish myself My wounds, my losses give me the right to make tiiese de? mands. Of any person who is willing to take pity on my condition, I am, with the most profound respect, the most humble, the most submissive and the most obedient of servants. La Boularderie A Louisbourg ce ler Sept, 1755 Our thanlts to Laura Peverill, Librarian at U.C.C.B. Library, tor help in gathering information about M. de la Boularderie. A NEW BOOK Louisbourg: The Phoenix Fortress This new book of photographs exhibits the cooperative effort of Hali? fax photographer Chris Reardon, Louisbourg historian A. J. B. John? ston, and Halifax designer Steven Slipp • and the finished product makes for a good souvenir of Fortress Louisbourg. The design is flawless. Nimbus has given us a lovely presentation, readable and tme to the period. But as a book of photographs, it does not live up to the promise of the cover • a rare turn-of-the-day photo of a view of the fortress and harbour. Johnston's brief Introduction is sound and useful. But photo captions are sometimes too cute. The pictures are caring, but few work as photographs. Some • given all there is out of which to compose a picture at Fortress Louisbourg • are remarkably flat, and thematically unfocused. Reardon likes the children and han? dles them quite well, and there are nice uses of the combination of rooftops and gardens, people and landscapes that can be nowhere else in North America but Louisbourg. But given what there is to work with • and the extraordinary cooperation among those involved • this might have been an important book. The book remains a good souvenir and will certainly have its place as that. Louisbourg: The Phoenix Fortress is available at all the usual out? lets, or from Nimbus Publishing Ltd., P. O. Box 9301, Stn. A, Halifax, N. S. B3K 5N5 Catering Services ' for Any Function I Large or! Yellow Cello Cafe Baltery Pizza Jc*-' '" >-' • 295-2303 c'' .''' ??>' Outdoor J Terrace I JFacing thef S Wharf in > [baddeck] COi/IPLETE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES FOR CONSTRUCTION ?? INDUSTRY ?? HOMEOWNERS Phone 539-0631 Miller industrial Sales Complete Line of Hydraulic Hoses & Fittings ?? Honda Power Equipment Hand Tools, Saws, & Shovels ?? Stihl Power Saws ?? 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Cape Breton's Magazine