Page 54 - Bishop Plessis Visits Cape Breton, 1815
ISSUE : Issue 56
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/1/1
complish all this, a good priest, zealous and devoted to his vocation, would be required to reside with them for at least six months. However, in the first instance, where would one find such a priest within this part of the diocese, where their flocks are already more than enough to occupy them? In the second instance, assuming that one could be found, how to provide for his subsistance in a village where almost all the settlers are poor? Where would the people as? semble when there is no chapel? How to give private instmction and hold private meetings without a proper place where the priest could mollify tactfully the pride of those whom he would call? What is need? ed urgently is a chapel with lodgings that would allow a missionary to stay at least a few weeks. The bishop, after having given this unfortunate congregation, whose ignorance and excesses alarmed his heart, a first instmction on the most essential points of religion, strongly insisted in a second on the necessity of immediately constructing a chapel, the site and dimen? sions he detemiined, with an injunction to build a lodging for the priest, 15 by 10 feet, promising that if this enterprise was finished by next Spring, Mr. Lejamtel would spend 4 consecutive weeks with them during the course of summer, an absolutely necessary remedy to bring them back to the spirit of religion and to stop their disorders, The One Name You Need to Know: RAHEY'S • for Comfortable Home Furnishings • for Reliable Appliances • &for; the Latest in Electronic Technology J. R. Rahey's Furniture Stores 1095 King's Road Main Street Sydney River Sydney Mines 562-2500 ' 736-9442 fAND ALSO VISIT IN SYDNEY MINES: ' J. R. Rahey's Jewellery Store 158 Main street • 736-6150 We've Built the Name People Trust! a fact he tried to impress them with, repeating that of all his dioces? ans, they were those who most dishonoured the Catholic Church, through their indiscreet and dangerous communications in spiritual matters with heretics. They seemed impressed with these exhorta? tions given with authority, and disposed to act upon them. He particu? larly urged some of those who were irregulariy married not to wait un? til the following year before regularizing their situation, but to go, this very year, and spend some weeks in Arichat, where Mr. Lejamtel would take time to instmct them, as well as their wives, after having separated them, and could then admit them to their first communion and he would rehabilitate their marriages. It is unlikely, however, that they will go, and it must be admitted that people who must care for small children cannot possibly leave their homes and their tasks. June 27 - The visitors had flattered themselves that they would be able to give first communion to some of the people before leaving that village. However, the excessive ignorance of some and the concubin? age of others raised invincible obstacles; nevertheless, most of the adults went to confession, and the only results the confessors were able to obtain, was to prepare 18 for confirmation, after which we made preparations to proclaim the kingdom of God in other places. Two canoes were readied for our departure. Here canoe means flat- bottomed boats, similar to rowboats, the only difference being an ab? sence of keel, and only one mast with one sail. The luggage was di? vided between the two canoes. One, manned by two settlers from the area, took the prelate, Messrs Bouchen/ille and Gaulin; the other was for Messrs Lejamtel and Gauvreau, and for the servant of the mis? sion, Louis Bolduc, commonly known as Louisonet. He was useful to these gentlemen who had only two Indians as guides, one of whom was so young, so thin, so pooriy dressed, so incapable of resisting fatigue, that he did not amount to much. The canoes sailed at approximately 10 in the morning. A light north? eastern wind seemed to promise the most happy navigation. The in? habitants most knowledgeable with the Labrador sea assured the travellers that they would reach the Scots' chapel before five o'clock, a distance of 16 or 18 leagues from there. Navigation was good dur? ing a few hours but it was not 6 leagues from the southeastern shore on one side and Boularderie island on the other, that the sky began to darken, the rain fell and the wind gathered speed, so much so that the two Frenchmen were unable to steer their overloaded canoe, which had already taken several waves and was in danger of going under. Around 3 or 4 o'clock in the evening they decided to head for the shore. Mr. Lejamtel, an intrepid traveller, wanted to press on ahead and only agreed with extreme repugnance to camping out, although the canoe in which he travelled had suffered quite a bit of damage: SYDNEY'S COMPLETE COLLISION REPAIR CENTRE 539-2848 • 539-1033 61 BEECH • SYDNEY BIP 6R7 Cape Breton Health Unit ' Asks You to "Stay a Winner-Don't Smoke!" Department of Health For information about harmful effects on yourself, your friends, and your baby, contact your local Health Unit office: ARICHAT 295-2944 BADDECK 295-2159 CHETICAMP 224-2410 GLACE BAY 849-4566 INVERNESS 258-21 OOext. 134 NEW WATERFORD 862-2204 PORT HAWKESBURY 625-1693 PORT HOOD 787-3302 ST. PETERS 535-2026 MARGAREE 248-2198 SYDNEY 563-2400 NEIL'S HARBOUR 336-2295 SYDNEY MINES 736-6245 • Dental Health Services 'Public Health Inspection 'Prenatal Classes 'Health Education 'Nutrition Information
Cape Breton's Magazine