Page 17 - Hilda MacDonald and Glendyer Mills
ISSUE : Issue 12
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1975/12/1
office. Then on the next floor were the spinning jennies* To begin with there were the spinning jennies • Arkwright's machine • and then later on there was a similar machine which they called the mule* They began work at 7 o'clock in the morning and they worked till 6, with an hour off at noon* They all lived in the glen during the week, sometiraes they'd go home for weekends* Today, just two families live in the glen all year round* Last winter there were 14 people • 8 of them children* There would have been 60 or 70 'en I was small* Pour houses are gone now completely* And the wool • nearly all was frora local people* They'd corae in with their wool and sell sorae of it, and some of it they'd have carded and take it home as rolls to be spun • and the rest of it they would sell* They came from all over Cape Breton* And they were paid in cash, not by barter* This was the first industry to do this. (Why did Glendyer Mills close?) To begin with, in the early days, in order to ship their materials out, their finished goods, they had to ship it by stage frora here to the Strait of Canso • 40 miles by stage* That would be expensive* Then as time went by a railroad went through Cape Breton called the I C R • the Intercolonial GliENDYER mililiS, BY RAll TO ORANGEDALE STATION, 0, B. RAILWAY. The symbol of Glendyer Mills, indicating wool so pure it was right off the sheep's endyer and a rare view of a loom inside the raill* Where Better Service Costs No More MacLeod's FINA Baddeck Bxcellent Accomodations rhe MARklANO MNOWAU. VierOIIM OOUMTY. M.?. • nN(M(.afe?Mp 4* /Mrs. Chester McBvoy, Manager Moore's Electric Co. Ltd. ENTERPRISE Electric and Oil Ranges Oil Fired Heating Systems 67 Stanley St & Commercial St Phone 794-4707 Phone 794-3711 NORTH SYDNEY INTRODUCING NEWFOUNDLAND I That's what Breakwater Books, Ltd. is doing. Through poetry, prose and drama we offer insights into the folklore, life and culture of THE GREAT PROVINCE. You May Know Them as Sea Urchins, Ma 'am by Ray Guy $4.95 The Chronicles of Uncle Mose by Ted Russell $3.95 Doryloads edited by Kevin Major $4.95 Baffles of Wind and Tide edited by Clyde Rose $4.50 A Rope Against the Sun by Al Pittman $2.75 Head Guts & Soundbone Dance by Michael Cook $2.75 After the Locusts by Enos Watt $2.50 Through One More Window by Al Pittman $2.50 Hemlock Cove and After by Tom Dawe $2.50 Order from Breakwater Books, Ltd. Box 52, Site C, Portugal Cove, Nfld. Add 40' for postage and handling. New? foundland residents add 8% sales tetx
Cape Breton's Magazine