Page 57 - Bishop Plessis Visits Cape Breton, 1815
ISSUE : Issue 56
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/1/1
fence, despite the facts that the islands which they own and on which their mission is established, are eminently suited for agriculture. Their excessive laziness prompts them to take from their meagre savings in order to buy tobacco rather than take the trouble of growing it. Nevertheless, we were obliged to listen to their request and their la? mentations on their need for a missionary: "We live like dogs, in danger of dying without the sacraments. Our children are ignorant of their religion. No priest speaks our language. Our elders have not heard a sermon in 50 years. What have we done to be abandoned in such a way? My Father, will you do like the oth? ers and leave us without hope of bettering our future?" These words were heartrending. The bishop understood them and promised to meet their request in a few years, provided they get used to paying their tithe more punctually than they did to Mr. Lejamtel who will, from now on, spend two weeks with them each year rather than just one, until further notice. That is all that he could say to them by way of consolation. It is nonetheless admirable that moral standards in this village have been maintained to a high level despite the degree of laziness, of abandonment and ignorance in which they have been relegated for such a long time. They still have twoks of instaictions and hymnals from the late Mr. Maillard, which they transcribe and hand down from father to son. During the afternoon we heard their confessions. Mr. Gaulin took charge of those who understood some English. The others, assisted by two poor interpreters, Madeleine and Marie-Louise, confessed to Messrs Boucherville and Lejamtel. The following day, July 1st, after a last mass where they sang with very good voices, 51 were con- finned. This was on Saturday. We left after dinner. July 1 - The bishop, preoccupied as always with reducing the weight of the provisions, heavy for a trip, and wishing to reward the interpret? ers for their services, gave a whole ham to one and approximately a quintal of large leftover biscuits to the other. After meandering for a long time in different bays, the two barges bearing the mission work? ers brought them on the isthmus which has already been mentioned, two leagues from there, which separates the ocean from the interior sea of Cape Breton. It did not take long to reach the superb estab? lishment of Mr. Laurent Cavenagh (Lawrence Kavanauoh). at the place called St. Peter's, formerly remarkable for the large number of families who lived there and who returned to France following the re- Cape Breton's MAGAZINE WRECK COVE CAPE BRETON BOC IHO NOVA SCOTIA Edited & Published by Ronald Caplan with the help of Bonnie Thompson Belle Maclntyre Paul Cranford • Carol Kennedy JANUARY 1991 Great Stuff! from Cape Breton's MAGAZINE A TERRIFIC 1-HOUR TAPE Mike MacDougall's Tape for Fr. Hector Mike MacDougall, violin with Tim Donovan, guitar "Father, that will be the best tape that I'll ever make, while I live, I think. So you better hold on it, put our names on it, and you better get them engraved." • Mike MacDougall 1928-1981 Winners in Contest Share over $600 in Cash, Books and Tapes in Cape Breton's Magazine Local History Contest 1990 1st Prize: 1989-90 Grade Six class at St. Joseph Elementary School, Sydney (see page 9). 2nd Prize: Leona Hussey, Sydney, for a life story of her grandfather. 3rd Prizes: Mike McCormick for his memories of growing up in and among the company houses on Victoria Road; Suzanne Barron and Karen Shea for an eariy history of the Irish in Ingonish, featuring Barron family interviews; and John E. Murphy, Sydney, for his work on harness racing. 4th Prizes: Holly Sampson, West Bay, for a family love story; Kim Christiansen, Reserve Mines, for an interview with her grandmother, an immigrant from Germany; Lucy Aucoin, Grand Etang, for her life story; and Frank Beaton, Inverness, for family memories on tape. Many thanks to all those who put thought and work into material for this contest. All entries will be considered for publication. HOW TO ORDER Cape Breton Music and Books Cassette Tapes: D Mike MacDougall's Tape for Fr. Hector ...$8.95 (Nova Scotia residents add 10% sales tax) n Cape Breton Fiddlers on Early LPs ...$8.95 Dan R. MacDonald • Theresa MacLellan • Donald MacLellan • Dan Joe Maclnnis • Johnny Wilmot (Nova Scotia residents add 10% sales tax) D Winston "Scotty" Fitzgerald: House Parties and 78s.. $10.00 (Nova Scotia residents add 10% sales tax) Books: D Cape Breton Lives ..$19.95 45 Life Stories from Cape Breton's Magazine D Castaway on Cape Breton ...$9.95 2 Great Shipwreck Narratives from 1780 and 1823 D The Cape Breton Giant ...$6.95 by James D. Gillis -the 1893 classic Cape Breton's Magazine: D Subscriptions to Cape Breton's MAGAZINE Inside Canada: $12.00 for 4 issues Outside Canada: $19.00 U.S. currency for 4 issues (or $22.50 Canadian currency) Postage is free in Canada. For addresses outside Canada, add $1.50 postage per item. FOR ORDERS IN CANADA Add 7% G. S. T. to Your Total. Mail your order to: Cape Breton's Magazine Wreck Cove, Nova Scotia BOC IHO
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