Page 87 - Pere Anselme Chiasson: Conversation and a Family Album
ISSUE : Issue 56
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/1/1
From the family album: "And this is my grandfather with my aunt. She was married with his brother. That's Lubin Chias? son. And that guy was still fish? ing on the sea with two others, '? / and the three of them were ' more than 80 years old. In a boat that had no motor, just sails. This is the one • both of them • if they were still living! They icnew so much about the history. They couldn't read. But they knevi so much, by oral history, about Acadians. Espe? cially her. She itnew, about people of Cheticamp, it was • she l(new the date of their birth, the date of their death, HHIHHHRW ll%#f
Cape Breton's Magazine