Page 92 - Pere Anselme Chiasson: Conversation and a Family Album
ISSUE : Issue 56
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/1/1
and come (back) and take his child. So he tried to pass the two. But when he came in the middle of the mast, it was shaking so much that he dropped both of them. And they were smashed between boat and land. Things like that, see. But I don't re? member where. I have asked, afterwards, people in Cheticamp if they would remem? ber where they were. Nobody knew.... It's people that they knew, you see. They knew. I remember my grandfather knew who they were. It was not from Cheti? camp, it was not any relations, but they had heard, learned, who they were, were Acadians. Now, where was it? They I wrote a poem on that story (the poem on page 91) when I was at the college. I won the first prize. P6re Anselme Chiasson's book Cheticamp: History and Acadian Traditions is still available from your bookstore or from Breakwater Books, 1-800-563-7323. Price $14.95 paperback. P6re Anselme's other publications Include L'lie de Shippaoan. anecdotes, tours et ''qgntfgS (1967), Les L6aendes des Ties de la IVIadeleine (1969), and Les lies de la Madeleine, vie mat6rielle et socialA (1980). The Notman photograph of Ch6ticamp circa 1914 is taken from Owen Fitzgerald's book of photographs, Cape Breton: A Changing Scene, it is stlll available from the University College of Cape Breton Press, P. O. Box 5300, Sydney, N. S. BIP 6L2. A Commitment to Cape Breton MABOU GARDENS jf' VISIT '- Grand Lake Road SYDNEY. 562-6000 Locally Owned OPEN 12 MONTHS A YEAR! Buy All Your Garden / & Gift Needs Cape Breton*s Largest Full-Service Garden Centre Complete Flower Shop " Wire Service
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