Page 14 - Gordie MacDougall, Boxer: My Life
ISSUE : Issue 57
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/6/1
back. It was only secondhand, but I bought it all back, boy. I used to hide it out in the barn and everything, so he wouldn't get it. Oh. yeah. I was a quiet guy. But when somebody came up to me and said. "Hey. move over. Get out of my way," I'd say. "If you can't walk through me. you'd better get out of the way. 'Cause I'm going to beat your brains out." That's the way I was.... (Do you feel you were bad?) No. I was just--I was mischievous, bad. like, you know. I had a tough mind.... I was scared of nothing, when I was a kid.... And. you know what? I used to get more beatings--I should have been punchdrunk before I got out of Grade 6. The older kids used to pound me. And you know what? They'd beat me. you know, down in the schoolyard. Quality Cameras Building, corner George & Dorchester Streets. PEOPLE YOU CAN TALK TO. And I.used to go--we'd get out at 3:30-- I'd say to the teacher, "I've got to use the bathroom"-- quarter after 3. So I'd go out and use (the out? house.) So I'd run across the street--it was all woods then. And I'd gather a whole pile of rocks as big as that chair. When those two guys that beat me came out of school, I'd pelt them with rocks, till they'd lumps on their head, boy, going home. And the next day they'd beat me. And the next day they'd get rocks. Oh, I'm telling you, I was some tough kid. Then we moved up the road. And there.... Gordie MacDougairs Story Continues on Page 89 WE CAN HELP YOU REALIZE YOUR DREAM OF HOMEOWNERSHIP! FOR A MORTGAGE TO BUY, BUILD OR RENOVATE, SEE THE LOCAL EXPERTS League Savings & Mortgage 235 Charlotte St., Sydney, N.S. B1P6H7 Phone:539-8222 '/a / 14
Cape Breton's Magazine