Page 18 - Rose Schwartz of New Waterford
ISSUE : Issue 57
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/6/1
And he came back--then he had to learn English. But (those) people--every so of? ten they'd come sometimes to New Water? ford. And they'd come in to see him. Oh. they were so glad to see him. And they'd speak nothing but Gaelic (Now, you said, "When he came back, we found that he spoke Gaelic." Were you in Canada then?) Yeah, we were in Canada. Mind you, he came back to Russia again. He came back after being here for a little while. Now anyone in Nova Scotia can call us and speak freely. TOLL FREE 1-424-5593 in Mainland Nova Scotia TOLL FREE 1-563-2444 in Cape Breton Xhe Workers' Compensation Board of Nova Scotia is pleased to announce the introduction of toll-free service to our Halifax and Sydney offices. v'lients and employers wishing to check the status of a claim or receive any information can now do so from anywhere in Nova Scotia, free of charge. Just pick up the phone and dial 1-424-5593. in mainland Nova Scotia, and 1-563-2444, in Cape Breton. We, /e're always at your service. So when you want to call us, feel free. Now more than ever, it pays to belong! 5668 South Street. Post Office Box 1150. Halifax. Nova Scotia B3J 2Y2 Telephone: (902) 424-8440 Sydney Medical Arts Building, 336 Kings Road. Suite 117. Sydney. Nova Scotia Bl S1A9 Telephone: (902) 563-2444 He liked (Canada) very much, he loved it. But they said to him, "Look. Your parents are in Russia. Your wife's parents are in Russia. Your family are there. Why don't you try and see--probably you could make a life for yourself in Russia." So my father--they talked him into it, and he came back to Russia. He was just there for a very short time--I'd say 3 or 4 months or so. He couldn't take it. Tasted the life of Canada, of a free country, that he could express himself, and he could say what he wanted to. And he loved the people here. He went right back. Alone. Because he couldn't afford the tickets for us. But I remember, we had a James Allan MacKinnon, he was a magistrate in New Waterford. He's gone now. That's a long time ago. And he used to sell (travel) tickets. So he sold my father the tick? ets , and I think it was $300. On payments. My father took it for a year to pay it, on pay? ments. And he brought us over here. But you know, I was only a young girl. But I never felt so good as when I put my feet on the soil of Halifax.... (How did your mother earn her living in Rus? sia all the time your father was away?) My father used to send a little bit of money. But there wasn't enough, really. But my mother opened a little tiny (shop), selling bread. They were in the country there, where they used to cut fo? rests. And they used to ship it by the river to the larger centres. So. she was there. And she used to bake bread, and sell bread, and sell groceries, to those people that used to go with--I don't know how to tell you, it's pret? ty hard for me. You know, they used to get the wood and they used to make like a--what do you call it, that you can go on it? (A raft?) A raft, yeah. Like a boat. And they used to WORKERS' CO/mNSAWN BoARDOFNow Scorn 18
Cape Breton's Magazine