Page 19 - Rose Schwartz of New Waterford
ISSUE : Issue 57
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/6/1
take it up to the centres where they'd sell it. So my mother used to sort of pro? vide them with some of that food. Like bread, and a little bit of whatever they were eating in those days. And that's how she sort of kept herself. (Were you with her?) Well, I went with my grandparents, and I got my education. Went in the school where I had Hebrew and Rus? sian. So I was really in Grade 7 in Rus? sia. And what made me upset--and I couldn't get out (of Russia) fast enough, although I was only 13--I wanted to get in (a school) for a higher education. For my high school. They only allowed the Jewish people 10%--10% of the Jewish students were allowed every year to get into high school. So, there was quite a big popula? tion in the city, of Jewish people. Well, I passed my verbal education. And I had to pick a ticket--10%, you see. Well, I didn't win. So I said, "The devil with you fellows, I'm going to Canada anyway." So I didn't care. You know. Any other way I would have been heartbroken. But I didn't give a hang because I was going away any? way. So I didn't care. (Did your mother work hard?) Oh, she had help, you know. (But she was the sole sup? port.) Oh. she was--with a little bit of support from my father. Couldn't send her very much. But she had to have her own. you know--ambitious. We had a house. But I'll tell you. it wasn't an elaborate house. Rose laughs. Well, it was a house by itself. But it only had one big room. And in it. we had two bedrooms. And some kind of a stove that was built in with the house. Something like a fireplace, but it wasn't a fireplace. A place where we had to cook and bake. All in one room. (Was the floor wood or dirt?) Wood! (Okay. So it was that elaborate!) Yeah. Oh. sure, there was lots of dirt floors, lots. (And all around you. were the people all Jewish?) No. Where we lived with my moth- FEET HURT? lea ARTHRITIS Eti HAMMER TOES ' ENLARGED JOINTS El DIABETES Eil GOUT eS SENSITIVE FEET a BUNIONS Eil HIGH INSTEPS ' DEFORMED FEET 0 EDEMA Ed SWOLLEN FEET ' NARROW/WIDE FEET THEN STEP INTO COMFORT! The EXTRA DEPTH" Shoe P. W. MINOR & SON, INC. Available in a full range of Colours, Sizes, and Widths for Men and Women CAPE BRETON BRACE 66 Cornwallis Street, Sydney, N.S. • 539-5100 JAKE GALE r.t.c.s.o.t., n.a.o.t. Custom made to fit you personally: • Ankle Supports Wrist Supports • Custom Fit Shoes Knee Supports * Insoles Back Braces & Supports BY APPOINTMENT ONLY er, was in a separate vil? lage. Like a country (place). But it's my grand? parents who lived in the city, that I had a chance to get my educa? tion. (Now where your grandparents lived, were they all Jew? ish?) Mostly. It was really a Jewish place.... (When you were a little girl like that, well, you must have had some goals, be? cause you wanted to go on with your educa? tion.) Oh, yes. very much. (Did you have any idea at all of what you hoped to do?) Not exactly. The only thing that was in my mind was to leave Russia and go to Canada. This was the only wish in my mind. I just wanted to get out of Russia. (You did not fall in love there.) No. I was too young. But Russia was not for me. (We hear of things happening to Jewish peo? ple in Russia.) Yes. I'll tell you. one ex? perience I shall never forget. You know, where they were cutting the forest--it was sort of a village where we lived. In order i6roNEYt OWNED BY ATLANTIC SHOPPING CENTRES LTD. A&W; 539-7222 Munroe's Barber Shop Agnew Surpass 562-3129 Olympic Shoe Repair 564-8112 Bank of Nova Scotia 539-6760 Radio Shack 539-4617 Bill's Pet Centre 539-2243 Reitman's 562-3177 Bi-Way. 539-8860 Sam The Record Man Bojou 539-5596 Shoppers Drug Mart 562-1144 Candy and Things 562-6292 Sobey's 562-1762 Carlton Cards. 564-6531 Sony Store 562-8811 Cole's Book Store 539-6053 Super Touch Fashions... 539-4454 Don's Fish & Chips 564-0002 Suzy Shier 539-5538 Fun Villa Arcade 539-2215 Take-A-Break 539-1908 Gals and Guys Toys & Wheels 564-6256 Hairworks 539-1811 Tim Morton's 539-4287 Goldsil 539-7273 Uncle Chow's 564-6487 Heather Bowling Centre. 562-2695 Vanelli's Mrs 539-7882 Home Brew Centre 562-3035 Zack's Frozen Yogurt 539-3550 Mark's Work Wearhouse. 539-0441 Zeller's 539-5600 Metropolitan 562-1134 Zip Photo 539-1539 HOURS OF OPERATION: Monday through Saturday 10:00 a.m. -10:00 p.m. MALL OFFICE • PRINCE ST.. SYDNEY, N. S. B1P 5K6 • 539-6912 HEAD OFFICE • 115 KING ST.. STELLARTON, N.S.B0K1S0 • 755-4440 19
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