Page 20 - Rose Schwartz of New Waterford
ISSUE : Issue 57
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/6/1
to supply the food. I remember--what would you say?... Irving: Was he a sheriff or was he a soldier? Rose: No, not a soldier, but he was from the government. He was a big guy from the province. Came down to this place where we were. And he called all the people together. Irving: A civil servant, that's what he was. Rose: Civil service, yeah. Called the people together, all the muzhiks--you know what a muzhik is? That was a peasant. All the peasants together. He called them together. I remember well--I got dressed up--and I went to hear what he had to say. I was just a young kid--I was about 12 1/2. 12 years or so. He said, "All the Jewish people have got to be driven out of here." He made a great big speech. And he said the Jewish people had to be driven out of here. There weren't very many. There 'MON.-SAT.. Brother • Singer • EIna • Passap KNITTING MACHINES PLANTAGENET DESIGN COOPERATIVE LTD. Yarns for Hand & Machine Knitting Knitting Magazines & Books Sweaters • Lesions Drop in for a free demonstration! '19MacAulay's Lane • SYDNEY Bl P 3Z8 '9AMto5PM' 564-1643 Employers Are Educators, Too! At U.C.C.B. Co-Operative Education Works It works for students. It works for you, Co-op employer benefits: • Reduced Hiring Risks • Reduced Recruitment and Training Costs • Higher Employee Retention • Students Available on a Year-Round Basis • Better Utilization of Personnel • You will work with U.C.C.B. to develop a highly trained work force, keeping our Technology Programs relevant to yoMr needs. Information & possible funding: Funding Programs are now available to assist Nova Scotia employers who hire co-op students. Co-operative Education Department University College of Cape Breton P.O. Box 5300, Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P6L2 (902) 539-5300, Ext. 109,350 was just my mother, and the family. And there was another fellow who worked for the people that--he had a team of horses. And he used to take some of the wood to another spot where they had to put it together and ship it up by. on the water, you know. So, I think it was 2 or 3 families. I had my mother's sister and her husband living. And what the husband was doing, he kept the books for that company. So, there were about 3 or 4 families. So he came and he said, "You've got to drive them all out of here." I stood there, and honestly, I just shivered. I was just a young kid. To hear him talk like that. To come and--you know, they all stood there and listened to him and everything, you know. I just shivered. And said, "To hell with you. We're going anyway." From then on, I just couldn't wait the day till we got the tickets that we went, we left. Irving: But you had to leave that spot, though, didn't you? Rose: Yes, we moved out. We had to leave that spot, and we moved in with our grandparents.... (That's how the civil servant treated you? How did the people treat you?) Very nice. They were nice to my mother--the peasants. You know, they used to come, and my mother used to listen to their--you know, they used to get drunk and beat their wives up and all that. The wives would come and tell my mother. Mother was very clever like that. She listened to them. And then the husband would come and tell her why he beat the wife up, and so on! This is the way it used to go on. Co-op Programs Include: Business Technology Computer Information Systems Management Paralegal Marketing Accounting Engineering Technology Civil/Construction Environmental Mechanical Electrical/Electronics. Chemical UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF CAPE BRETON 20 But you know, when I had my good education. And I was the oldest. And you know, when you're the oldest, you sort of get sort of smart. You know. Although, at a very young age--I handled things that I don't think I could handle today. (Such as?) Oh, to look af? ter the family. To see that they had everything, that we were able to travel. Took us a long time to travel. You know, we had an uncle in another city. So our tickets-- they were cheap tickets. And we had to go to Antwerp to get the ship. But to get to Antwerp from our place was quite a distance. We had to travel. We went, I remember, to Bialys? tok; I had an uncle there. We got there by train to Bialystok, and we stayed there over Shabbos (Sabbath). And then, he took us to Warsaw. And he put us on the
Cape Breton's Magazine