Page 23 - Rose Schwartz of New Waterford
ISSUE : Issue 57
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/6/1
Irving: Was it Montreal Dry Goods, the first one? Rose: Oh, yes. That was the first store, that's right. Montreal Dry Goods. When we opened first, it wasn't un? der the name of Schwartz--it was Montreal Dry Goods. The reason for that was, that uncle that lived in Montreal, he had a wholesale dry goods store. He and another man from Glace Bay, they opened it togeth? er. Then things went kind of bad. so they had to give it up. And they shipped a lot of the merchandise to this store in New Waterford. And the building belonged to them. That was the corner store. They shipped a lot of the merchandise, and they got us to stay there in New Waterford and sort of, you know, sell the merchan? dise. So it was the name at the beginning, for one year--it was the Montreal Dry Goods store. pensive. It was a beautiful suit, though. They'd have it--I think they could (be) put in the grave in that same suit, because it lasted so long, it was so good. Then we had ladies' dresses. And we had a big men's wear department. (And your hus? band had had experience with all that.) With men's wear. I had no experience. But he taught me. But you know, you buy, and they tea wouldn't buy the buy just so many. (Would the people they come to you? ellers would come from them. Mostly ney. They'd open you say "open up. get the experience. You ch you what to do. We stuff we have today. We'd We'd sell them, and.... you bought from--did ) No, a lot of the trav- to Cape Breton. We'd buy we'd have to go to Syd- up in Sydney. (And when " vhat does that really But then my husband decided that that's not for him, he's got to open on his own. So he opened on his own. And it was under Schwartz. (Was there a big sign that said "Schwartz"?) No, no. No big sign. No, everything was very humble. Just a small store. (And what did you carry?) Clothes. Because my husband didn't know anything but the clothes. So the first thing that we did when we did well was-- there was Tip Top Tailors--I don't know if you know any? thing about that. Well, they would just give one to New Waterford. another one in Sydney--they'd give them the agency (to represent Tip Top Tailors). In those days, what man wouldn't have a made-to- measure suit? He'd never go to church without a made-to- measure suit. They always had to have made-to-measure suits. So, we made very well on those suits. My husband used to measure them. They'd send the order away to Toron? to. And they'd make it up-- Tip Top Tailors. And it would come back here, and they'd get the suit. And we used to take, oh, an awful lot of measurements. Because we were the only ones in New Water? ford. That was one thing that was in our favour. Suits were very cheap, too-- made-to-measure suits. At the very beginning I remember it was $17.50. Then it went up to $19.50. Then it got up to $22, and $24.95--that was ex- Why You ShouH Buy Less of our Product Nova Scotia Power is a company and our produa is electricjty. It might be assumed tten thai our business is selling electricity. But it's not Nova Scotia Power is not in the business of getting people to use more electricity. Our job is helping people to use less energy better. Through Power Smart, an on? going programme designed to encourage the wise use of energy. Why? Because eneigy-efficiency is in the best interest of our com? pany, our consumers, and our environment. Better for US. If our consumes started using eneigy more efiScientiy, we wouldn't have to produce as mudi. And that means we could postpone paying out the hundreds of millions of dollars (plus interest) it takes to buHd a new generating plant. (And lower capital costs for us of course mean lower future rate increases for you.) Better on your pocketbook. In the grim days of the first oil crunch, wise energy use the buildins uf power planis ttanslated as deprivation. Freezing in the dark. Nowadays, it means efficiency Installing a low-flow showeriiead and water heater blanket. Caulking your windows. Putting in enei'-efficient lighting. Using your appliances better. Or using better appliances. All simple measures • yet ones that can save the average family hundreds of dollars a year in enei' costs. Power Smart will provide you with the information you need to make these responsible energy choices. We'Ualso make sure that power-efficient products • like showeriieads and water- heater blankets • are available kx:ally at competitive prices. Better on the environment There's no absolutely clean way to pro? duce electricity. Whether you're using water, coal, or oil, there's an environmental price to pay '"''"'""'" That's why it only makes sense to use the eneigy we have better If we ' just started using electricity more efficiently, wed sigmficantly cut the consumption of our natural resources that go into making energy • and tfie emissions tihat come from it. And that would make us all breathe a lot easier With a new approadi towards energy, we can radically reduce the financial and environmental cost of using electricity • without reducing our standard of living. It's called being Power Smart. Using less eneigy better. 23
Cape Breton's Magazine