Page 47 - From Breton Cove and Boston: Conversations with Josie Matheson Bredbury Part 2
ISSUE : Issue 57
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/6/1
there, and I'd stay with them for two weeks, and then they'd fly me back. (The $19 a week you earned--was that when you started working after you were married, or was that when you...?) No. When I start? ed with the little girl. And then they gave me $22. And then, before I left there I was getting $35 a week. And that was good, that was clear. Because I was living there, and my food, and they were forever dressing me. (Were you sending money home to your par? ents?) Oh, yes. They took care of us, so we took care--we'd buy them things, we'd send clothes to them. And this D. B.(the local merchant)--my sister sent D. B. a letter, for a Christmas present for my father, to pay (his) bill (in the store).... And sent Papa the bill, paid, at Christmas time. That was his Christmas present. And of course, we always sent a shirt or some? thing, you know, things.... I love it (my old home in Cape Breton). I was born there, and everything that ever Tour Nova Scotia Govemment Bookstore Outlet in Cape Breton Cape Breton Books First-Rate Literature A Wide Range of Books from Popular to Scholarly "THE DOWNTOWN BOOKSTORE" 361 Charlotte St. Sydney B1P1E1 539-8551 and Lewis Parker Cards: PORTRAIT OF CAPE BRETON fflSTORY happened in that house, I was part of it. We loved our parents. My father was a hard man. He had to be, with 7 girls growing up! Oh, I was a good girl.... (But he was hard on you because, you were saying, he wanted you to be a boy.) Yeah, that's it. (Was he hard, as well? Was he an affec? tionate man?) He loved the three older girls: Mary and Bena, Rhoda, and her twin sister--Christie was her name. Christie died at birth; I think she was a day or two old. And she died in Papa's arms when the minister baptized her. And that was hard on both the parents, because they were very happy with twins. So anyway, then Kitty--my sister Kitty-- she'll be 90 in January--she's up in Ando- ver. So, I came next. And Mama carried me different than any of the others. And it was sure thing to be a boy. And they even had a boy's name for me. They were going to call me either John Murdock or Murdock John.... Anyway, Josie came as a girl. And my father stayed in the barn, I guess, all day. So they tell me. I didn't know much about it. May 22nd, 1903, I think it was. So anyway--well, all through my life, I remember he wouldn't bother taking me on his knee and talk to me, or loving me in any way like the others. So I was a bit scared of him. Although I didn't know it, you know, at that time. And if there was any dirty work to be done, Josie had to do it. BOOKS ARE A GREA T GIFT ANY TIME OF THE YEAR MacLeod Lorway and You. Together we can keep your future bright. • PERSONAL INSURANCE • COMMERCIAL FIRE • CONSTRUCTION • LIABILITY • BONDING • PLEASURE CRAFT • LIFE • TRAVEL Partners Prosperity MacLeod Lorway Insurance The barn thing. I loved the barn, I loved the animals, I loved the barn. I hated the housework. And he did admit that, that I took care of the barn better than the other girls. Kitty hat? ed the barn. So I'd have one week at the barn, she'd have one week at the barn, and Annie'd have one week at the barn. That's how we did it. So anyway, Kitty didn't like to go, so I'd have two weeks at the barn work. That was great--I loved that. Even when I was 12 years old. Your Insurance Broker Understands 539-6666 (Toll free in Cape Breton) 215 Charlotte St., Sydney - Fax 539-4067 (What kind of dirty work would he give you especially?) Oh, clean? ing the stables, which the girls didn't like COMPLETE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES FOR CONSTRUCTION ?? INDUSTRY ?? HOMEOWNERS Phone 539-0631 Miller Industrial Sales Complete Line of Hydraulic Hoses & Fittings ?? Honda Power Equipment Hand Tools, Saws, & Shovels ?? Stihl Power Saws ?? Rainwear Industrial V-Belts"* Rope-Poly & Wirerope"* Portable Compressors 803 GRAND LAKE ROAD ?? SYDNEY Sales & Service 47
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