Page 53 - William Y. Porter & South Head Church
ISSUE : Issue 57
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/6/1
?? Big Glace Bay and Louisbourg. Such a concentration would be made easier, he said, if they had texts. "There is a great shortage of books explaining the faith." This was a perennial lament of the early missionaries. In 1845 he said that because of the shortage of schools in the district, he could only, on his visits, catechize. But catechize and propagate he did; for in that year he made forty-one visits to thirteen different places covering 1460 miles. In addition, he made 153 pastoral visits. He would have visited each significant mission at least every two weeks. His efforts to build the church at Cow Bay continued In 1845,1846 and 1847. In 1845 he reported: "I tmst to announce the completion of the little church now building at Cow Bay, at least so far as that we can use it; and the considerable advancement of that at Louisbourg." Finally, the little church was opened in 1846 and the good missionary preached to 100 and administered the sacrament to "thirty humble and devout Christians.... The warmest gratitude was tendered me." In that year, the parishioners established a lay service in order to carry on services in the absence of their missionary. Porter mentioned no name. However, there is a beautiful window in the west end of the church at South Head dedicated to the memory of Henry Spencer, lay reader, who died in 1893. (See photo this page.) As well, a Sunday School took form and consisted of twenty-two scholars. This Sunday School was possibly the "other preparation" he mentioned In 1844. We know that he built upon that schooling, for Mr. Porter counted thirty-five scholars In 1848. Through the years this church undenA'ent renovations. Mr. Lockyer, for example, placed an inscription in wooden letters around the nave and sanctuary of the church. He cut the letters out himself. Electric lights were not Installed at the church until 1956. The original com? munion table was renrwved from the church and taken to Big Glace Bay. And the organ and altar from the church at Malnadieu was add? ed to Christ Church in the late Seventies.... In 1853, Mr. Porter was able to say that the South Head church was mostly finished and ready to be consecrated. It was built largely from funds donated by the SPG and the Diocesan Church Society. In this year, the parishioners made the effort to complete the interior of this Since 1914 H. H. Marshall Limited Corporate Head Office Halifax, N. S. 3731 Macintosh Street B3K5N5 WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS OF PERIODICALS & BOOKS" H. H. MARSHALL Founder and First President (1884-1923) H. H. MARSHALL LIMITED TAKE GREAT PRIDE IN OUR COMMUNITY AND THE MANY PEOPLE WE SERVE. IT HAS GIVEN US OUR VALUED HERITAGE AND WE LOOK FORWARD TO AN EXCITING FUTURE. BRANCH OFFICES CHARLOTTETOWN ST, JOHN'S SYDNEY H. H. Marshall LIMITED 103 York Street, Sydney (539-3220) DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOMED ''''.''''Y'ijti ''m,, r- HF- ' ~ -''3 W -'M 'HH'''''''H'''''''H ' • • CIP- - 'vVr'"*-?''liLxlMHB'B ??P - 'J''-'i'S''AW''M m'/ X .' • T-*v,s'>tr,'SA''M W 'J''Smt''''''w''i ml . imm'''mk'y%..''''' Ml i* i'' 1 fhHS ''tm''' • ' ,.i W4h'w'm'''KKM It ''''lW/3hJMraW/:.:.:.J'% " i'''''H L'i??';'??'...,