Page 102 - Gordie MacDougall, Boxer: My Life
ISSUE : Issue 57
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/6/1
on her. Like they ask, how's her husband getting along, how's he coping with it. But nobody asks her how's she coping with it. You know what I mean? Because it's kind of a burn-out program for her. Be? cause she's got to live this thing side by side with me every day. She's got to cope Cedar House Bakery and Restaurant ''' 674-2929 OPEN DAILY FOR BREAKFAST, LUNCH & DINNER bread • scones • oatcakes • cooi'ies • pies TRANS-CANADA HWY NEAR SEAL ISLAND BRIDGE with all the problems that people on the outside don't see, you know what I mean. These are inner things, like, you know. Shirley: Sometimes I--we have a lot of cries together, too, you know. Sometimes when--Gordie, when you were so frustrated. Gordie: Frustration with this disease. Shirley: And then we'd say a prayer, and I'd read off the prayer, and both of us would be crying. But then we had a lot of laughs. You know, we have a lot of laughs here.... Gor? die: Little anecdotes that happened. Shir? ley: And then we sit and we're watching TV, and he's--like you say, he's a little bit under my feet. And what do we say, Gordie? 'Aren't we lucky. Smart boaters always plan ahead. Smart boaters know that a terrific boating season starts witii more ttian lust a new coat of wax. It means taking ttie time to make sure your boat is up to snuff from top to bottom. Breakdowns can quickly deteriorate into iife-ttireatening situations. So keep ttie odds stacked in your favour by preparing your boat ttioroughly, carrying a complete set of safety equipment, and knowing tiow to use IL Tlie Coast Guard can help you prepare, by providing a host of information to help ensure your safety and peace of mind. Just call our tolMree Boating Safety Information Hotline at i 800 267-6687. Boating is fun...if you plan ahead. National Safe Boating Week: June 2 - 8,1991 1'1 Canadian Coast Guard Garde cotiere canadienne Canada to be here?" First good luck was this place (their home in the Senior Citi? zens' Complex). Because we had to leave our house. It was my par? ents' house. And his mother has a nice house down there, down in South Bar, that was supposed to be his. But we couldn't get up the steps or any? thing. Thank God for this place. Gprdig: Oh, we have a lot to be thankful for. Shirley: When we 102 look at TV and see all of these homeless people. And Gordie feels sorry for the suffering of kids. Or pain.... He has pain, but.... You feel so sorry for the kids. Gordie: God Almighty, I don't go anywhere near with the pain and suffering. People I hear them in the hospitals, suffering with cancer, screaming with the pain. Shirley: And we know the worst is yet to come. We know. Gordie: I know what's going to happen to me. Shirley: We talk about death. He
Cape Breton's Magazine