Inside Front Cover - Mike McCormick: A Little Political Tale
ISSUE : Issue 58
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/8/1
Mike McCormick: A Little Political Tale There's other little stories I want to tell you, too, about politics, you see-- local politics. And George Slaven, who (was) a druggist--he passed away just a couple of years ago. He was mayor of Syd? ney at one time. And this is the early days of World War Two. And I was his cam? paign manager, we'll say. And the fellow he defeated, old Sid Muggah--never won an election. He, like, got in by acclamation. But he became mayor by default, you see. He was deputy mayor when the mayor died, and he carried on. Then Slaven ran against him and defeated him by about 200 votes. And meanwhile, Muggah got ready for the next election. And Slaven (during his term)--tax rate was not too realistic--(so) he had to raise taxes. Supposed to be very unpopular. And Muggah had the business community on Char? lotte Street backing him. And they got ready for this election. And I knew an old scrubwoman, I used to meet her on Charlotte Street--old Mrs. Currie was really a character, you see. And she told me a story one day. And I told Slaven. I said, "Geez, I'd love to be able to use that story. How could we?" Well. I had a bright idea. So this is be? fore they had to say (on radio) . "Those voices were transcribed." So. I got in touch with Charlie MacDougall at the radio station, CJCB, and told him what I had in mind. Okay. He went along with me. Mose Ballah had a voice studio. And I went to Ballah--he had recording equipment--and I got him to record Mrs. Currie--got her to tell her story, and three other stories I got on it. Former mayors of Sydney: left, George Slaven (1938-41); right, E. S. Muggah (1917,1933-37) So, the last Saturday night before the elections, Slaven came on and he said, "Since the campaign started, a lot of peo? ple have come forward and offered to help. I couldn't handle them all, but we have a few of them this evening." So the first is Mrs. Currie. And then we play Mrs. Currie's record, you see. She said, "Three years ago, before the last election, I was going into the City Hall to look for me little bit of relief. Who does I meet but Mr. Mayor Muggah on the stairs...." He was a pompous old bugger, you know. In those days, people would have to get a let? ter to go to Bos? ton, like a letter of good character to get across the border. And this is what (he thought she wanted). He met her on the stairs, he said, "What are Mike's Political Tale continues on Page 53 Cover photo: Minnie Aucoin of St. Joseph du Moine J
Cape Breton's Magazine