Page 4 - "Who do You Think You Are? Johnny Abbass"?
ISSUE : Issue 58
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/8/1
Jobe Abbass and his wife Lilly, with three of their sons, left to right, Johnny, George, and Ferris, during World War Two what you did. Unless you were really, you know, had the capability to go to college, and the financial wherewithal to go to col? lege. But if a job opportunity presented it? self, you would (take it). And photography was a job opportunity for George. Chance to learn a good trade. And he took that job. (George) worked with Myers Studios. They were located right up on Charlotte Street-- Your Cape Breton Highlands Vacation Resort. TEL: 285-2049 .-'55';'_/ r -90 Units /?A ' 'L At/ZnT' • Licensed Dining Room immm''h :?"shop i / / ?i$0?IlTO./' .Private Ocean Beach INGONISH, NOVA SCOTIA • Swimming Pool GLENGHORM Scottish Gaelic Translation "THE GREEN AND THE BLUE" The green lawns rolling down to meet the blue of the ocean. More than just a place to stay overnight: a vacation resort Superior Service: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Automatic Delivery: every 12 or Marketing a Complete Line of Propane Burning Appliances Superior Propane Off Hwy. #305, Ultches Creek, Sydney 539-1060 right up there across from Yazer's. And Myers Studios had a studio upstairs.... So (George) started there in 1935. And then I went to work there in the following summer, '36. I used to work there in the summer, and then I'd help him after school. Developing pic? tures. We started out de? veloping films for people that took snapshots with their own camera. Working for Myers. We were learning our trade. And then George was promoted to being a photographer, or at least learning how to take por? traits. And continuing also to process films. And when I came (to work for Myers)--he was the teacher and I was his pupil. But the original manager of the place, he was the guy that was teaching both of us. He had two names. His profes? sional name, I guess, was Joe Bannstone. His real name was Neisner. But he was a real terrific photographer. And a lot of the knowledge that we learned, or we gained about photography, we got it from him. He was a great teacher. And he was a good pho? tographer. And he had an ability to give you the kind of confidence that would say to you, "Look. If he says I can do it, I can do it." And that's what he'd do. And he'd critique our work. And he'd look at it, he'd say, "That's great. But now, the next time, just make this little adjustment." And, you know, people liked this. He was great with people, as well. So we had the advantage of having a pretty good guy to work with, and we learned a lot from him. Well, George worked there till the war broke out. And when he was 18, he went in- IsTKl'Mj'S Si Compute SefecHxm af9'tisica[ Instruments & Suppties Cape 'Breton Recordings Siutkentic Cape Breton '{andcrafts Located in the NORTH SYDNEY MALL King Street, North Sydney • Phone: 794-4240 "Throp in and see me!" -'Hoivie. jMacOonaCd
Cape Breton's Magazine