Page 17 - Minnie Aucoin of St. Joseph du Moine
ISSUE : Issue 58
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/8/1
don't know! (Rosie: I'm sure Grandpa had rum, I'm sure!) Yeah. (CBM: And they danced all night.) All night. Till next morning at 6 o'clock. (Rosie: And what time did you say you went to bed that night?) Oh, I don't know. It was about 2 o'clock, 3 o'clock. (But peo? ple were still dancing?) Oh, yes. They pushed me in the room, so I--they didn't want me to stay up! (CBM: Oh, they wanted you to get your rest!) Yes. Minnie laughs. (Rosie: They wanted the honeymoon to last at least 4 hours!) I want to tell you something, but I wouldn't tell it! Laugh? ter. (CBM: So they pushed you in the room....) Yeah. And then they pushed my husband with me. (Yes. I'm not surprised.) Oh, we had fun! Laughter. (Good for you. Now, after this wonderful night of honeymoon, who did your work the next morning?) Well, I didn't do anything. I told the old lady, "I'll scrub the floor." She said, "No. No. That's your day off." So I took the day off. That's the on? ly day that I took off! (So then you got not only a honeymoon, but a vacation.) Yeah. It was quite a honeymoon, I tell you. (Rosie: Comment longtemps apr's que vous 6tiez marine as tu eu ton premier enfant?) J''tais marine dix-huit mois quand j'ai eu Freddie. (Dans c'temps-li, savais-tu qu'est-ce qui se passait quand tu tombais en famille?) Ben oui, j'savais, grand-mfere m'avait quasiment.... (Elle t'avait ti ex- pliqu6 le sexe et tout ga?) Ben, pas beau- coup. Dans c'temps-li y parliont pas beau- coup de sexe. (Savais-tu quoi faire la soir6e de tes noces?) Ben oui, Grand-m6re m'avait dit ga. Quand tu te maries pis tu vas ensemble, pis des fois t'as des enfants. Yen a qu'en avont pas pis d'autres qu'en avont. (Vouliez-vous des enfants?) Ben mon d'jeu j'en voulais ben sur. Pas tant que qa. mais toujou. Dans c'temps-li les prfetres pis les missionaires veniont pis si GEORGE MacNEIL MEATS Ltd. POINT ACONI ROAD - 736-8249 736-3518 Now! is the time to fill your freezer for the long Winter ahead! • BEEF • Cut and wrapped for your freezer Front Quarter $1.69 lb. Hind Quarter $2.39 lb. • Side of Beef $1.89 lb. Fresh Pork by the Side $1.39 lb. Fresh Lamb also available at reasonable prices. Avoid Disappointment - Come Early t'arretais la famille t''tais damn' pis c''tait I'enfer pis t'avals assez peur t''tais 'nnervd. (Quand que t''tais en famille, faisias-tu la meme ouvrage?) Pareil, pareil. J'nett'yais les ceilings, les walls, et toute. (Dans c'temps-li, y'avait pas de "pre-natal classes." Aviez-vous beaucoup de preparation avant que le beb6 arrive?) Ben non. On s'preparait de butin. On arran- geait toute avant que tu pris le lit. Y te faisiont teindre de lit dix jours dans c'temps-li. Dix jours. Faulait que tu rest- is au lit dix jours. (Pourrais-tu me dire quelle sorte d'activity se passait dans la maison quand tu sentais que le b6b6 est en chemin?) Les enfants, dans c'temps-li tu les envoyais coucher ailleurs. (Y saviont ti qu'est-ce qui se passait?) Non, y savi- OWNED BY ATLANTIC SHOPPING CENTRES LTD. Congratulations to City of Sydney Ward 5 Alderman • Mike Moore the Management and Staff of • Mark's Work Wearhouse (in the Sydney Shopping Centre) and • All Local Residents who participated in the Clean-Up of Elmwood Brook We salute and applaud your environmental effort. HOURS OF OPERATION: Monday through Saturday 10:00 a.m. -10:00 p.m. MALL OFFICE • PRINCE ST., SYDNEY, N. S. B1P5K6 • 539-6912 HEAD OFFICE • 115KINGST.,STELLARTON,N.S.B0K1S0 • 755-4440
Cape Breton's Magazine