Page 32 - The Cape Breton Shelf
ISSUE : Issue 58
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/8/1
The Cape Breton Shelf: Here are a few recent Cape Breton books and recordings. "The Cape Breton Shelf" will list Cape Breton books, as a service to our readers and as an encouragement to publishers, large and small, to publish about Cape Breton. Please let us know about your new publications so we can include them in "The Cape Breton Shelf." Order these from your bookstore or the publisher, NOT from Cape Breton's Magazine. From LANCELOT PRESS | Elm St., New Glasgow, N. S. B2H P.O. Box425,Hantsport,N.S. B0P1P0 " "' Memory Is My Diary by Angus James MacQueen. This is Volume 1 of the autobiography of a Cape Breton-bom minister who became Moderator of the United Church. Price: $12.95. Bill Fraser, Mountie by R. A. MacLean. A biography of a quintessential Mountie, Bill Fraser of Baddeck, based on inter? views and research. Price: $10.95 From PEACH TREE PRESS 63 Main St., Port Morien, N. S. BOA 1T0 Pilgrims on This Shore: The Anglican Parish of Port Mori- en, 1786-1990 by LeRoy Peach. A good example of parish his? tory, covering the Anglican church in southeastern Cape Bre? ton. Price $6.95. From LOUISBOURG HISTORICAL SOCIETY Box 396, Louisbourg, N. S. BOA 1 MO The Louisburg Brass Bands by WiUiam A. O'Shea. Unusual local reasearch and lots of old photos. Price $8.95. From NIMBUS PUBLISHING LTD. P. O. Box 9301, Stn. A, Halifax, N. S. B3K 5N5 The Old Man Told Us selected by Ruth Holmes Whitehead. Excerpts from oral and written Micmac history, 1500-1950. Price: $17.95. Johnny Miles: Nova Scotia's Marathon King by Floyd Wil? liston. Also available from The Johnny Miles Foundation, 283 Acting Corporal Isaac Phills A native of St. Vincent and a resident of Sydney for more than 60 years, he is reported to be the first Black to have re? ceived the Order of Canada. 1Y9 Price: $12.95 (add $1.50 postage). Also from NIMBUS The Black Battalion, 1916-1920 • Canada's Best Kept Military Se? cret by Calvin W. Ruck. This ex? traordinary souvenir of the 1982 je- union of Black Canadian soldiers who served in World War One was compiled and written by Calvin W. Ruck of Sydney. These soldiers' first fight was to get into an army that didn't want them. Many young Black men volunteered, only to be rejected on the basis of colour. When they were finally allowed to join, most of them ended up in a segregated non-combatant labour battalion. They built bridges, defused land mines, and faced the mustard gas. This book briefly tells their story, including the search for vete? rans who were brought together for the 1982 reunion. It lists many of those who served (at least 49 were from Cape Breton), and includes a chapter of "pen sketches and war memoirs," and good photographs. It is a troubhng and valuable Httle book. Price: $12.95. Please remember to let us know about new publica? tions about Cape Breton so that we can include them in "The Cape Breton Shelf." Tunes from Two New Recordings: Here are tunes from two new Cape Breton recordings now on the market: Carl MacKenzie's CAPE BRETON CLASSIC and Howie MacDo- nald's live album called LIVE...AND LIVELY. Other new recordings Include Natalie MacMaster's ROAD TO THE ISLE and THE CAPE BRE? TON SUMMERTIME REVIEW COLLECTION 1986-1990. Again, let us know about your latest project for listing In "The Cape Breton Shelf." Reel Carl MacKenzie B minor: dorian mode Billy MacLeod's Testimonial B minor: dorian mode Evie's Toe Tapper Reel Howie MacDonald Our thanks to Paul Cranford for his tune transcriptions, based on the tapes. These tapes are available everywhere tapes are sold. "The Cape Breton Shelf" is an on-going listing of new Cape Breton books and tapes. Please let us know about your new tape or book project • when it comes out, or in advance. Write and give us the basic information: title, price, and where people can get it.
Cape Breton's Magazine