Page 39 - "Parade of Concern" for Sydney Steel
ISSUE : Issue 58
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/8/1
(So you hear about the closure over the radio. What happens next?) I think a couple of things happened. First, it was obvious from the (news) report that it was urgent. We had no time. The main closure was to take place at the end of December. So that's a little bit better than two months away. And I think it be? came quite clear to a number of peo? ple, that if the plant ever did close, you couldn't leave it closed for 6 months or a year and then try and get someone else to come in. The only way to keep it was to continue it. So there was an urgency. A part of the Citizens' Steering CommltteerLeft to rightrFrrwilllam Roach, St. F. X. University Extension Dept.; iVIrs. Donovan; Bill Jessome, CJCB-TV; Mrs. And very clearly, with a group of us Moraff; Martin Merner, president of Local 1064, U.S.W.A., and chairman of the in the community--not many--there steering committee; Mrs. Parouch, secretary of the committee; James Nichol- was only a small group of us--it be- son, director of District 2, U.S.W.A.; Vincent Morrison, Sydney barrister who came clear that it wasn't a steel- chaired the parade meeting; bacl( to the camera, Dr. Donovan. Missing com- workers' problem. It was a community mittee members: Jeremy Akerman of CHER Radio, Mr. & Mrs. Doane Curtis problem. And then we got the message Jr., Gus Dezagiacomo,and Evelyn Murphy. loud and clear from some key people that this had to become a provincial prob? lem. And then, it wasn't enough to make it a provincial problem. We had to make it a national problem. Because the solutions would have to be national and provincial. Local, you could take for granted. You know, that the local people were going to support the steel industry. But the local support was not enough to save the steel industry. So we worked.... "I took the road less travelled by • ??- • ??_ ja' j. 9 t' .m. ja ...and that has made all the difference,'' KlCfllHOnCl COUfltU S KOlltB 4 -Robert Frost Discover Cape Breton Differently! KAYAK TOURS INSTRUCTION • RENTALS • KAYAKS • CANOES • BIKES • • OUTDOOR EOUIPMENT- LOG CABINS on the Bras d'Or Lake Ask for brochure: KAYAK CAPE BRETON R. R. 2, West Bay, N. S. BOE 3K0 OR PHONE (902) 535-3060 La Cuisine Acadienne ''-'' Fish & Steakhouse l'k '' Restaurant & Dining Room '''.-''' * Fully Licensed * ''' Charcoal Steaks • Seafoods a Speciality ' Home Cooked Meals • Meat Pies Pizzas • Light Snacks • Chinese Food At Louisdale (902)345-2817 Your Hosts: Lome and Betty Marchand Seating 125 SPECIALIZING IN HOME-STYLE COOKING Parker's RESTAURANT Sunday to Thursday 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Friday & Saturday 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. FULLY LICENSED • 535-2405 • FAMILY DINING StPeter's Functional Stoneware and Custom Dinnerware Turnstone Pottery WHEELTHROWN Studio and Showroom on the Harbour 226-3004 Arichat on Jack Ouellette, Potter iSle l/ladame s/'hco ?' Country Living at Its Best! The convenience of modern accommodations in the charm of an historic village at On the Shore of the Bras d'Or Lake 1 mile east of ST. PETERS MOTEL & COTTAGES 'o''r' Single Cottages • 2-Bedroom Housekeeping Cottages • Motel JOYCE'S Motel & Cottages • 002)5352404 INN ON THE [ CAiyAL J St. Peter's 20 Motel Units Licensed Dining Lounge • Cable T.V. BEACHES FISHING • GOLFING HISTORIC SITES Come visit us at the Inn where the only thing we overlook is the beautiful Bras d'Or Lakes! Box 9, St Peter's, N. S. BOE 3B0 • 1-800-535-2200
Cape Breton's Magazine