Page 41 - "Parade of Concern" for Sydney Steel
ISSUE : Issue 58
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/8/1
yourself--they moved into rural Antigonish County, both of them. And through Fr. Topshee and myself, we were able to get both of them to move into Sydney for the month, practically, and work full time with the program to develop the March of Concern. The idea, right off the bat--was to take it away from the Steelworkers' Union, from a positive point of view. Because we had them. What we needed was broad community support. So if it came from community peo? ple, it might be easier to gain the sup? port of everybody in Nova Scotia. And then to get as much national publicity as pos? sible. And that had to be through the news media--radio, television, newspapers. So Kingsley Jr. and Sr. had all the con? tacts. Terry MacLellan was a well- respected person. Sandy Campbell had a lot of contacts. So we played heavily on get? ting as much publicity as possible. But not just for local consumption, but mainly for provincial and national. the federal government couldn't do anything directly, (such) as they were doing with the coal industry. You know, there was the big STELCO industry in Hamilton. There was no way that the federal government could take over a steel industry in Cape Breton. Whereas the coal, it was different. So that possibility was ruled out very early. The federal government could not politically take over the steel industry. So therefore it had to be the provincial. But the provincial couldn't do it finan? cially. So you had to try and make a com? bination: the provincial do it, with as ~ Our 20th Year in Business • Canso Realties Ltd Box 727 Port Hawkesbury, N. S. BOE 2V0 . Phone (902) 625-0302 • We carry 300 listings of property for sale in Cape Breton and Eastern Nova Scotia. JIM MARCHAND And that's why we worked very closely with the na? tional union leaders. Ea- mon Park came out of the national office (of the) Steelworkers Union. Bill Mahoney was the presi? dent. And he was very, very supportive of what we did. But Eamon Park was our contact man. I don't recall the name of the research director--he was an economist--he came in and helped us a lot. (Harry Weisblatt.the re? search director for the United Steelworkers of America.) And so the Steelworkers Union, locally, were in touch with us all the time. But we took the lead. Now, it was inten? tional. It wasn't like trying to put them down. They were working very closely with us. People like Eddie Johnston, Ben O'Neil. And Martin Mern? er was the president at the time. And it was the union people from the national said, "Look, you need the community's sup? port." And as community, they meant Nova Scotia. Now, very early in the game it was clear that Parenthood Accepting responsibility for future generations. At Stora we know our actions today will impact on the future. We've learned that productive and healthy forest environments require careful planning and responsible management practices. Forestry operations on our company-controlled lands are based on data collected by professional foresters and technicians. Using these data, our experience, and forestry science, management plans are followed to ensure increased forest productivity and protection of wildlife and the environment. As a result, we're confident that our harvesting and reforestation practices today will ensure a rich forest legacy for the benefit and enjoyment of Nova Scotians for generations to come. STORA Stora Forest Industries P.O. Box 59, Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia, Canada BOE 2V0
Cape Breton's Magazine