Page 70 - Wreck of the Hurry On - Judique
ISSUE : Issue 58
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/8/1
Wreck of the Hurry On • Judique On September 23,1935, the motorship Hurry On went down about 20 miles off the Judique coast of Inverness County. The ship listed in the storm and the crew got to the only undamaged lifeboat. Waves overturned the boat, and some of the crew floated away and the oars were lost. They somehow righted the boat only to be swamped again. They were eventu? ally driven ashore at Judique, below the home of Dougald F. MacDonald • the life? boat jammed between rocks. Otherwise, probably none of the crew would have had the strength to keep the boat beached. What follows is a composite of news ac? counts, a few memories, and a wonderful poem composed by Euphemia Malcolm MacEachern. The poem was made shortly after the wreck, and became a song for a while In the community. As recently as five years ago it was recited at the local school by Euphemia's granddaughter. Euphemia Malcolm MacEachern When the Hurry On Went Down by Euphemia Malcolm MacEachern, Judique High and dry on Judique Beach In a cold and dreary dawn Twas a lifeboat with a crew of eight From the steamer Hurry On. A crew of eight? No, seven now For just as they reached the shore MacLean has closed his weary eyes To ope them nevermore. Now five of them exhausted lay They could not raise a hand They did not know their little craft Had washed up on the sand But two there were could make their feet They struggled bravely on They climbed a bank and saw a house And they knew the fight was won. Twas Dougald F. MacDonald's home Close by the Judique shore They stumbled weakly up to it And knocked upon the door. The good folk quickly took them in And listened to their tale Of how the good ship Hurry On Had foundered in the gale How they had manned the lifeboat then And faced the raging storm They hadn't time to salvage food Nor clothes to keep them warm How these twelve men, so helpless Upon the waves were tossed Till breakers wild upset their craft And four of them were lost. They righted her and eight still lived Tho' far from safe and sound For hours and hours they tossed about And then were washed aground. "O haste make haste, and help these men Or they will soon be dead" The Judique men jumped to their feet And to the shore they sped They brought them in and carefully They tended one and all Tho' at the time they thought that two Had heard the final call But soon they rallied one by one And to the Lord gave thanks They said "He must have guided us To land on Judique Banks" For Judique hospitality Is known thru'out the land 'Tis part of their religion To help their fellow-man. And so these men from the Hurry On Will long recall the names Of Dougald F. l'acDonald And his brother, Willie James Now they're in St. Mary's Hospital Reported doing fine If you'd care to hear their names We have them here in Rhyme. There was Boudreau, Boyd and Baker, And Carmichael as you know One was Shode and one was Evans And one Cocopardo So this concludes the story Of the brave men who were saved But God have mercy on those pour souls Who met a watery grave And God have pity on those at home And help them bear their cross The mothers, wives and fathers. Who are left to moum their loss And O kind people safe on land Won't you hearken to my plea Say a prayer tonight and every night For our boys who follow the sea. lORMAWAY INN'S SINCE 192&., The first choice for fine food and lodging on the Cabot Trail The Normaway is proud to be able to share a part of Cape Breton's culture. Enjo traditional music, nightly films, a choice selection of Cape Breton books and recon traditional Cape Breton entertainment most spring and fall weekends. You don't have to be a guest of the Inn to enjoy a Normaway evening. Dinner served from 6 to 9 p.m., June 15 to October 15. Reservations suggested THE NORMAWAY INN 902-248-2987 or 1-800-565-9465 P.O. Box 142, Margaree Valley, Nova Scotia, Canada BOE 2C0 paradise CARPETS and CERAMICS ' - Industrial Dr. Reeves St. • . CARPETS • CERAMICS . VINYL CUSHION FLOOR • PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION • FREE ESTIMATES Mon.-Fri. • 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Sat. • 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 562-8087 1095 Upr. Prince St., Sydney, N.S. AFTER HOURS CALL 862-6090
Cape Breton's Magazine