Page 75 - Wreck of the Hurry On - Judique
ISSUE : Issue 58
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/8/1
Chief Engineer Schade. native of Hamburg but now a naturalized Canadian, said, "We set all pumps in operation and the engines were ordered stopped. It was about 5.30. "The pumps proved unavailing and at 6.45 the life-boat was lowered. There was a list of about 35? then. The boat on the bridge was battered to pieces by the giant seas and the port boat couldn't be launched on account of the list. "Ten minutes later the Hurry On sank and about 15 minutes later the (life)boat cap? sized. The men managed to right her, but everything in it had been swept away. When it overturned the second time. First Mate MacKenzie said, 'Boys, (I'm) all in,' and sank. The rest of the (men) crawled back in. Then Capt. Gardiner and Alex Wait died in the boat. Third Engineer MacAulay was overcome by cramps and fell over. The rest of us were exhausted." Mountainous Seas "Four mountainous seas landed the lifeboat on shore between...large rocks and the six of us crawled ashore. The Cook Lawrence Cac- apardo we thought was dead. Gus Carmichael and myself were the only ones able to crawl, and we set off for help." They reached Dou? gald MacDonald's home at about 5:45, and (wakened) the household. The rescue party, consisting of Dougal MacDonald, his son Wil? liam, Dan Chisholm, John MacDougall, and...girls, Mary E. Chisholm and Jeanette Fortune, left immediately in a truck. Nurses and doctors were summoned, Drs. A. N. Chisholm and J. R. McLeod leaving imme? diately from Port Hawkesbury with R.C.M.P. Officer William MacDonald and Mrs. Duncan MacLellan, R.N., leaving from Judique. Off Port Hood The Hurry On foundered about 6.30 Monday night 10 miles off Port Hood in a north- Ill luck dogged the seafaring career of the Hurry On during the last few months. In January she grounded on the shore of Ched? abucto Bay near Guysborough. Then during salvaging opera? tions a pump exploded on board, seriously injuring two men. The final act took place off the west Cape Breton coast when her cargo shifted during the storm and she keeled over and sank to the bottom. (In the photo) the Hurry On is shown as she was pulled off the Guysborough shore. west gale, Albert Boudreau said. "Gus Car? michael 's head was cut when the boat was being lowered," he told, and described the capsizing of the craft later. "This is my second shipwreck," Lawrence Cacopardo, native of Malta but for some years residing at 173 Maynard street, Hal- On the Bras d'Or Lakes 295-2234 'Wong' Serving Brealifast Daily . FULLY LICENSED • Air Conditioned Seating Capacity of 140 Tour Buses Welcome (reserve in advance) FAMILY RESTAURANT Welcomes you to • DOWNTOWN BADDECK • ?? Specializing in seafood & Chinese cuisine Affordable Prices Yellow Cello Cafe Bakery ,jp' 'OP** [baddeck] 1' Environment Canada Canadian Parks Service canadien BADDECK, N. S. ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL NATIONAL HISTORIC PARK No Admission Charge 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Year Round 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. July 1 to Sept. 30 Open 7 Days a Week BELL THE MAN * BELL THE EXPERIMENTER * HYDROFOIL HALL Beautiful, Intelligent and Peaceful 75 km. west of Sydney on Route 105 Children Can Build & Fly a Bell Kite Special Evening Presentations Inquire 295-2069 for Times CanadS
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