Page 77 - Wreck of the Hurry On - Judique
ISSUE : Issue 58
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/8/1
Agnes Poushay Watch will be kept for the bodies of the other two victims, as yet unaccounted for. Mate Alex MacKenzie and the eighteen year old donkeyman, Alex Wait. In the meantime the body of Capt. Gardiner is on its way to Halifax in Zinck's ambulance, while that of James MacAulay has been forwarded to Orangedale for interment. Taking his cows to pasture about seven o'clock this morning Allan MacDonald no? ticed an object lying on the shore and on going down to investigate found the re? mains of a man. Tattoo marks on an arm identified him as Captain Gardiner. Riverside Cleaners 1061 Kings Road SYDNEY Lowest Drycleaning Prices in Town! WE'RE PROUD TO SHARE... Scottish and Acadian Festivals Hiking trails, picnic and camping parks Museums and heritage The warmest waters north of the Carolinas! Cottage crafts and works of art The Cape Breton highlands National Park Fresh and salt water fishing Horse racing, canoeing, and other sports Fine accommodations, gift shops Restaurants Wildlife The Sunset Side ' I / /'' of Cape Breton -'' Requests for Visitor's Guide, brochures, and general information may be made to: Inverness County Department of Recreation/Tourism P.O. Box 179, Port Hood, N.S. BOE 2W0 (902)787-2274 Nearby residents were notified and after the body was removed to a farm building, search was pro? ceeded with along the shore and about 100 yards from the dory which the casta? ways of the Hurry On had succeeded in making their escape in, was found the body of Third Engineer MacAulay. Agnes Poushay, Syd? ney: The boy that was drowned that we knew (James F. MacAulay), he lived (at River Denys) about 18 miles from our home (at Marble Mountain). And we knew them well, we knew the fami? ly well. He was a third year engi? neering student. And as I under? stood, he was to have some practi? cal experience to get his degree. And the man who owned the boat would be a rela? tive by marriage of MacAulay. I'm not sure what the connection was.... (One person thought he was a boy friend of yours.) No, no. I knew him well and we did corre? spond. I think he did probably have a girl friend. It's just that we were friends and he did write me just before he went on this trip. He did say, "I'll bring you back a souvenir from Holland." But there had been a change in plans.... Sunday, Aug. 18 • ! P.M. Featuring: The Barra MacNeils McGinty and MANY, MANY MORE! Craft & Tape Sale i Farmers' Market Beer Tent *U!Hii.l..L-tlJ.I.UII.I.I!ll.l.iNUl|.> SKI Start Skiing! ...and Enjoy Your Winter Ski Ben Eoin's membersliip campaign is now underway! BY MAIL:
Cape Breton's Magazine