Page 78 - Wreck of the Hurry On - Judique
ISSUE : Issue 58
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/8/1
And the Waite boy who was also buried (here)--I think, I'm not sure, they removed the remains some years later--he was buried at the request of the MacAulays, that he was buried right beside his friend. He was only a young fellow, 18--and I don't know if it says in that article but I remember them saying at the time that he had died in the MacAulay boy's arms. See, they died on the way to shore. They died just as they got to shore or on the way to shore. They got the MacAulay boy first. And I think his funeral was one day. And I'm quite sure that while we were there (at the wake) a phone call came saying that the Waite boy's body had been found--and I think he was buried the next day. I don't remember if the service for Waite was in the house but I remember well being at the cemetery when he was being interred. MacAulays looked after that. I don't know why. But anyway it's a long way to the West Coast (the Waite boy's home) and at 18, if you're down here--I'm sure there was some reason for it. I'm sure (family) took his remains back later on. I know they did visit the cemetery later on. It was a fairly largely attended funeral. Most of the friends of MacAulay's were Tlie Dead of tlie Hurry On: Captain A. H. GARDNER, 54, Carleton Grange, Batley, Yorkshire, England. Mate ALEX MacKENZIE, 44, North Sydney. Third Engineer J. F. MacAULAY, 23, River Denys. Donkeyman ALEX WAIT, 18, Sceptre, Sask. Seaman FRASER MacLEAN, Pictou Island. there. But I don't believe there was even one person there who had ever seen the (Waite) boy. But I remember a call coming from Halifax while we were there, I be? lieve from a girl friend--I don't know the name. I'm quite sure we were waiting for the remains to come from Judique to the MacAulay residence--while we were there-- that this girl called, to say her thoughts were there. I suppose she was only a young girl. He was 18 .... Tlie Survivors: Chief Engineer HERMAN SCHADE, 37, Halifax. Second Engineer ALBERT BOUDREAU, 33, Halifax. Cook LAWRENCE CACOPARDOS, 35, Halifax. Seaman GUS CARMICHAEL, 21, St. Ann's, Cape Breton. Seaman J. F. EVANS, 27, Halifax, native of Newfoundland Seaman GILBERT BOYD, 18, Truro. Seaman HERMAN BAKER, 27, Halifax. Friend Volunteers Eulogy of Alex Mackenzie The One Name You Need to Know: RAHEY'S VISIT IN SYDNEY MINES: J. R. RAHEY'S JEWELLERY STORE 158 Main Street • 736-6150 • and...for Comfortable Home Furnishings • Reliable Appliances • and the Latest in Electronic Technology J. R. Rahey's Furniture Stores 1095 King's Road Main Street Sydney River ',g' Sydney Mines 562-2500 ' • '' 736-9442 We've Built the Name People Trust! One who knew him, writes of Alex MacKen? zie: "May I be allowed to say a word about one whom many sea? faring men in Nova Scotia will remember as a true and faithful comrade--I refer to Alex MacKenzie, whose name is listed among the lost in the dreadful disaster to the Hurry On. Alex was a thoroughly good fel? low, in spite of a rough manner one of Na? ture's gentlemen, and one of the most gen? erous-hearted men I ever knew. He was a native of Cape Breton Island, North Syd? ney, I believe, and had followed the sea from his youth, and in his thirty-odd years as a sailor he had been several times round the world, had sailed every sea, and had helped to steer his ship safely in and out of almost every sea-port in every country of the world. It is a strange fate which decreed that his last sight of land should be the shores of his native isle." All Types of Collision Work! Specializing in ISpotRepalr) SYDNEY'S COMPLETE COLLISION REPAIR CENTRE 539-2848 • 539-1033 61 BEECH • SYDNEY BIP 6R7 RESTAURANT 562-5400 78 111 Spaghetti, Lasagna, Fettucini Alfredo Subs, Burgers, Quality Steaks and Bruce's own Pizza Pizzazz with more than 15 toppings to choose from FULLY LICENSED TAKE-OUT AVAILABLE dnn . Welton Plaza . ''UU Sydney, N.S. n-11 pm • Fri & Sat 11 am-Midnight • S
Cape Breton's Magazine