Page 93 - "Who do You Think You Are? Johnny Abbass"?
ISSUE : Issue 58
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/8/1
A wedding; a pole vaulter at the Antigonish Highland Games;| and the Rotary Club's production of "Oklahoma." Can you name these people? (See page 96.) private finisher processing colour film. But still, competition was so keen from the mass producers off-island, like in Halifax, Winnipeg, Toronto. They would come in here and offer better prices to our dealers than we could match. So even? tually, we closed up that operation. And in 1967--when colour processing was available to everybody, and the use of col? our film was increasing, we decided that we would open up a colour plant. But we decided against opening one here (in Cape Breton), because it just seems that--and I'm not saying this, like, in a derogatory sense-- but the local prophet, you know, has no fa? vour in his own land. So, we were first go? ing to maybe put the plant in Truro. We went to Truro, and we liked it. And of course, we were also looking for a little bit of assis? tance to put the plant. But in the end, we didn't get assistance from any place. But we also wanted to make sure that we were going to be situated in a place where we could gather more business. We went to Moncton--Moncton wasn't any bigger a city than Sydney at that time. And when we were standing on the main street and we saw the people going back and forth, at 4 o'clock and at dinnertime, we said, "Gosh, this is a vibrant little community." So we put the colour plant there. And you know, it's funny. When we opened the plant in New Brunswick, and we hired a couple of sales? men, and the salesmen came back into Cape Breton. They got customers in Cape Breton to do business with us in New Brunswick that would never do business with us while we had the plant right here in Sydney. That was (the way), in all of Cape Breton. That's not peculiar, again, to us. I know that this happens to others. That people will have some work done off-island, bypass the producer right here on the island. And the guy on the island can do just as good work. That's the nature of the beast, I guess. I might even do the same myself. But it was just peculiar, when we went to New Brunswick, and that colour plant just flourished. Flourished. We had good, good business there. I'm interested in politics. I was presi- dent ofthe P'C. party for three years. I . 40 YEARS OF SERVICE TO CAPE BRETON ?i|c (El|illircn*0 Att 'orietg of Qkpt Breton fi INTAKE HOME STUDIES PROTECTION FOSTER HOMES ADOPTION"' probiem identification; referral support services; crisis intervention all ages, in permanent homes CHILDREN IN CARE I Suite 7, Provincial Building, 360 Prince Street, Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P 5L1 (562-5506) I SINGLE MOTHERS counselling; support I THE COMMUNITY'S RESPONSmiLITY IS TO PROTECT OUR CHILDREN I counselling; support & "A UNITED WAY SERVICE AGENCY"
Cape Breton's Magazine