Page 25 - Dr. Jack Yazer, Citizen
ISSUE : Issue 59
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1992/1/1
horse over on the other. And then when you want him, if you just hang on there enough--you'd bend over and try and get the rope in his mouth, you know, over his neck, to steer him. They used to do that. Then you'd get a horse, you'd wear him out. Then you'd get another one. So I remember just those little pieces. (Do you remember watching that or doing that?) Oh, I was doing it. (So you were breaking horses and testing horses.) Yeah. That was only kids. (For the butcher, was it?) Oh, yeah. BUILDING A BUSINESS DREAM! Y Lou provide the talent and we'll provide the tools. At Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation, we have a variety of programs designed to help you build your business dream. If that dream is to: * start a new enterprise • expand an existing one • develop new markets, the Corporation's unique assistance programs and the Action Program of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) are ready to work in partnership with you to reach those goals. Whether you are in agriculture, forestry, small business, fisheries, tourism or craft development, we want to hear your ideas for our Island's future. CaU our toll-free number or drop by our office. Let us pit your talent to work! |||P' Enterprise ||; Cape Breton "'' Corporation Sydney: P.O. Box 1750 Sydney, Nova Scotia BIP 6T7 Tel: (902) 564-3600 1-800-565-9460 (in Nova Scotia) Bilingual service available Port Hawkesbury: P. O. Box 610 Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia BOE 2V0 Tel: (902) 625-3111 But I don't remember--see, nothing-- continuation of my life--my mother.... I remember my father got married again, and then divorced, then a little boy. And when I came over (to Canada), we never followed it up, which we should have. But those are hindsight things. But I have no--I've got nothing that I can remember to hold onto. (What language would you be speaking?) Yid? dish, and Polish. (In what language did you go to school?) Polish. It was a Polish school. And then you had your own people-- your Yiddish, you know. (No, I don't know.) • But I mean, I think-- that's what I don't re? member. But I must re? member, because when I came here, I knew it very well. I knew He? brew and Yiddish. But which I forgot all of --you know, I don't I use it. But I think we had more (schooling), like cheder (school taught in Hebrew)--no doubt about it. (Was there a syna? gogue?) There more likely was, but I don't remember it. I don't know why I shut my life out that way. I think the biggest--as soon as I came here, I just wanted to learn to speak English. The first few weeks, I wanted to go back. I wanted to go back. But then after that, I want to speak English. And then we went to Sydney Mines, you see, amongst Gentiles. And when I came here, my total English vocabulary was "can't speak." You see, you want to learn Eng? lish, you want to learn. You didn't use (Yiddish). You forget it if you don't use it... . (And you suppose that you had Hebrew educa? tion as well.) Oh, I had it. Oh, yes, yes, because I knew--when I came here, I went in shul (the synagogue) one night--I knew how to daven (recite the prayers). (You said you had to go and help your father prepare for Rosh Hasha- Canada
Cape Breton's Magazine