Page 47 - Fr. Fraser Fights for the Miners, 1909
ISSUE : Issue 59
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1992/1/1
It's NEW! It's GREAT passed by the Board of Arbitrators who heard both sides and who were apopinted just for the purpose of giving an award? Arbitrations are not infallible of course and their awards may not always be right, but after all and under the existing condi? tions, and I suppose so long as men are what they are, arbitra? tion is the best mode of settling difficulties. Under all arbitra? tions one party must lose, and it seems to me the duty of the loser to abide loyally by the award. The strike therefore seems to me all the more regrettable and with no possible excuse that I can see. Allow me one more observation. You tell me not to believe one word of what Alex Johnston may tell me concerning the situa? tion. It hap? pens that I have had no communica? tion from Al? ex Johnston on this sub? ject, and let me tell you in all can? dour that if I had, I would give it the greatest re? spect. Alex is a good friend and I am sorry to hear that you and he are at variance in this matter. I cannot think the worse of one or the NORTH STAR INN NORTH SYDNEY c. • 8,??,, Nova Scotia's Friendly Seaport Centrally Located To Major Cape Breton Attractions * 75 Rooms - Kings, Standards, * Indoor Pool and Whirlpool Suites and Mini Suites * Kids free with parents - * Luxury Suite - Whirlpool Bath * Seniors Discount * Harbour View - Air conditioned * Special day rates for ferry * Fishery Restaurant travellers * St. Pierre Rum Bar orthside Industrial Park (Exit 21, Highway 105) 39 Forrest Street, P.O. Box 157. North Sydney, N.S. B2A 3M3 Tel: (902) 794-8581 Fax: (902) 794-4628 ALL ROADS LEAD TO THE Nertti Sydney Mall 116 King St., North Sydney, Nova Scotia B2A 3R7 Ph. (902)794-4703,794-4704 OVER 25 SHOPS AND SERVICES TO FILL ALL YOUR NEEDS GROCERIES * CLOTHING * GIFTS * LADIES FASHION * ENTERTAINMENT * PHARMACY * SOUVENIRS * * HOUSEHOLD ITEMS * CARDS * LIQUOR * * DEPARTMENT STORES * MUSIC * OPEN MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 10:00 AM TO 9:30 PM other on that account. I would not have any one speak to me a single word against Alex, no more than I would allow any one to speak a word against Father John, and my last word will be that though in this matter I cannot see eye to eye with you, I still subscribe myself. Your very sincere friend,... Fr. Fraser Tries Once Again, Sept. 24,1909: Dear Sir Wilfred • I enclose you herewith manifesto of the President of the new Union by which you can see how reasonable is the contention of the poor miners who are on strike here. You have always stood for the principle of true Christian liberty and British fair play and I have every confidence that you will do the same in this case. We are simply persecuted and denied every kind of justice by the Coal Co. without means of redress and we appeal to you to come to our assistance. The catholics are especially denied their right. The priest cannot visit this people to admin? ister spiritual consolation to them and steps are being taken to quarantine our church. We are hardly allowed to walk the street without fear of being arrested. Are you as chief magistrate of the Dominion going to allow your loyal subjects to be crushed in this way? All the poor miners were true, loyal and faithful to you in the nineties when you needed their aid. They returned to you a lib? eral member • Alex Johnstone • against even Sir Chas. Tupper. They would have returned him last election also, were not that that gentleman became a "swollen head" and allied himself to the coal magnates and would hardly recognise the poor miners to whom he owed his position. Please take this matter earnestly in hand and put an end for all time to come to this attempt to hold your subjects in slavery. Please excuse the liberty I take in making so free with you. I remain yours very sincerely, John Fraser P. P. And Sir Wilfred Replies, 29th September, 1909: Dear Father John Fraser • In answer to your letter of the 24th instant just received, I have to say that so far as I am concerned I have no power to interfere. The law pro? vides when there is a dispute be? tween employers and employees that the m.atter in dispute can be re? ferred to a board of arbitration. Of this you are just as familiar as I am and you know what has taken place. An arbitration was held at the re? quest of both parties, an award giv? en and one of the parties would not submit. What can now be done? The only thing I can see is to accept YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE TO THE Friends of Cape Breton Database Friends of Cape Breton is creating a database of former Cape Bretoners living away • a marl
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