Page 10 - Annie MacPhee and a Cup of Tea
ISSUE : Issue 13
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1976/6/1
of the grave • and just as the casket was being lowered I couldn't take it any longer • I let go of her and I took off and I bawled and cried in the car. I ran until I got to the car. And then I thought of what this one had told me four years before • I thought of it right off. So I don't be? lieve in telling the like of that. You're going to be hurt when it does happen with? out. (Do you feel you can change anything?) No. There's nothing you can do. (Annie took up Frankie's cup, poured out the little bit of liquid, the leaves stay in the cup.) Annie: You have a horseshoe, Frankie, right on the top of your cup. That's good luck. You have a horseshoe right there. You're going to be in a build? ing where there's two flags above the building. One is Canadian and one is Amer? ican. You're going to have some business in that building. There's good money for you there. Are you going to Eastern Tech or any? thing like that? Frankie: I'll be going back to university in the fall. Annie: Is it a big tall building and then another piece added on? Frankie: Yes. Annie: There it is. Take a look at it. Like a brick building or something like that. Frankie: That's the Academic Centre. Yeah. Annie: And you're go? ing to get along good and you'll be making lots of money, boy. And then there's a trip ahead of you, boy. There's some place you're going on a trip, before you go back to col? lege. It's not that long. Just something that's going to come up, that you're taking off. Now, Frankie, what came between you and this girl? There's a girl here that likes you an awful lot and you like her but you still don't get along. Frankie: Ha,ha, ha, ha..?. Annie: There sure is. There's a rift between you. You go together, you drift apart and you come back again but still, no, she's not the one. You're going to end up marrying a well-to-do woman, a well-to-do woman. She's tall, fairly tall girl, with black tU.ack hair • that's who you'll end up marrying. You'll meet her somewheres, and that's how you'll end up. Oh, you're quite interested in some kind of sport that's coming up here. Tennis busi? ness? Frankie: Probably golf. Annie: Some entertainment that you're interested in. You're closing the bargain now with a tall guy. Dark hair. You're going to go to P E I or Newfoundland somewheres on a trip. You're going across water there. Then you can get sparetime work typing or doing some bookwork there. You're going to make quite a bit of money. And you're going on a bat, too, there for a while, amongst the crowd • but I don't think you're going to drink very much with them but the crew that you're with is drink? ing there. There's a wedding coming up • this is the end of the wedding • you're going to attend a wedding here, before very long. There was a while there you were very down in the dumps, things were going against you. You felt just, well am I ever going to get to the top. Everything you tried was going against you. You were just about ready to Genuine Do%m East Hospitality Keddy' Motor Inn 600 King's Road, Sydney, N.'. Phone 539-1140 • Telex 019-3517 Year Round Service to Cape Bretoners and their Friends Campbell's Market Baddeck SYDNEY SHIP SUPPLY cAT'tfmer's Creed I believe a man's greatest posses? sion is his dignity and that no calling bestows this more abun? dantly than farming. I believe hard work and honest sweat are the building blocks of a person's character. I believe that farming, despite its hardships and disappointments, is the most honest and honor? able way a man can spend his days on this earth. I believe farming nurtures the dose family ties that make life rich in ways money can't buy. • I believe my children are learning values that will last a lifetime and can be learned, in no other way. I believe farming provides educa? tion for life and that no other occupation teaches so much about birth, growth and matu? rity in such a variety of ways. I believe many of the best things in life are indeed free: the splen? dor of a sumrise, the rapture of wide open spaces, tiie exhilarat? ing si't of your land greening each spring. I believe true happiness comes from watching your crops ripen in the field, your children grow tall in Ae sun, your whole fam? ily feel the pride that springs from their shared experience. I believe that by my toil I am giv? ing more to the world than I am taking from it, an honor that does not come to all men. I believe my life will be measured ultimately by what I have done for my fellowman, and by this standard I fear no judgment. I believe when a man grows old and sums up his days, he should be able to stand taU and feel pride in tiie life he's lived. I believe in farming because it makes all ttu?? possible. Sydney and Port Hawkesbury
Cape Breton's Magazine