Page 78 - Johnny Miles Wins the Boston Marathon
ISSUE : Issue 59
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1992/1/1
ton, you'll be up against many seasoned runners, and no doubt you'll become very tired during the long race. But always remember the man next to you may be just as tired. So, no matter how tired you feel, remember that you can always make one more step, and that may be the one to carry you across the finish line." The gun sounded, and the pack of runners lurched fonward. Johnny was in front, slightly behind Stenroos and DeMar, and his mind was on the finish line, 26 miles, 385 yards away. His father's voice kept runing in his ears: "Stay with Stenroos, stay with DeMar." At the seven-mile mark, Stenroos increased his pace unexpectedly, leaving the others wondering about his strategy. Johnny decided to stay with DeMar, mindful that DeMar held the course record and that he probably had his own plan. Soon after, he realized nervously that Stenroos was now out of sight. Faithful to his father's advice, Johnny passed DeMar with a short burst of spped, but he was shocked to see that two other runners were already between him and Stenroos. "I passed Michelson and Number 81, whoever that was, and came within a short distance of the front runner, Stenroos," Johnny recalls. He continued in that postion for some time, intentionally not pressing Stenroos until he noticed, at the 22-mile marker at Newton hills, that the Olympic champion was slowing down. Johnny was now in full stride. Earlier, a sharp pain in his side had worried him briefly, but it had gradually subsided, and from that point onward, Johnny ran in his unique high-stepping style. With four miles remaining to the finish line, Johnny had to be deci? sive. He put on a burst of speed and came shoulder to shoulder with the leader. Hesitating to pass, Johnny glanced over at Stenroos and saw a strange look on the leader's face. His eyes seemed sunken and glassy. "I decided that now was the time to make my move," he says. "I never looked back, fearing that I might provoke him into a duel. When I went past him at Lake Street, I knew then that I would win. He had that old stitch that has killed off so many runners. When I saw him rubbing his side, i hit my pace a little bit stronger. That was enough to take the heart out of him." When the finish line came into view, Johnny had enough energy left for one more sprint. To the amazement of everyone there except his parents, the unknown from Sydney Mines hit the tape at 2:25.40.4 • a new course record and a world record. Newspaper reporters rushed to interview the new champion, who did not even appear winded. This "darkest of dark horses" had proven Experience Winter!... Visit VICTORIA COUNTY VICTORIA COUNTY Nova Scotia's Winter Playground • Six Nordic Ski Clubs • Exciting Loppet Series • Several Instructional Clinics • Weekend Tours provide CROSS-COUNTRY SKIERS with a great season ' CAPE BRETON ISLAND An abundance of snow provides skiers annually with a Ski Season from mid-December to early April! 1992 Major Ski Events Feb. 8tli - N. S. Higti Sctiool Cross Country Ski Cliampionships, St. Ann's 9lti - N. S. Provincial Relay Cross Country Ski Ctiampionstiip, Middle River Feb. 22-23 - Atlantic Series, Cape Smokey Mar. 28-29 - N. S. Cross Country Ski Individuals Championships, Cape North Victoria County has over 150 kms of groomed and ungroomed x-country ski trails. For your free copy of the Victoria County X-Country Ski Trails brochure, write to Victoria County Recreation Dept (see address below). ALPINE SKIERS mtII enjoy skiing at Cape Smokey Ski Resort which has the highest vertical of any mountain in Nova Scotia Victoria County is more than just skiing • it's snowmobile, ice fishing, snowshoeing, ice skating, tobogganing, ice hockey, and winter camping. Enjoy our many indoor sports such as curling as well. Victoria County has something for everyone. VICTORIA COUNTY WINTER GAMES ' <-'>itiJrr-' '9/ Be a Part of Our Exciting 1992 WINTER FESTIVAL! • January 24th to February 9th • Seventeen Days of Winter Fun with Over 150 Sporting, Cultural, & Recreational Events for Your Enjoyment For your free copy of the 1992 VICTORIA COUNTY WINTER GAMES BOOKLET outlining events and activities, please write or call: Victoria County Recreation Department P. O. Box 370, Baddeck, N. S. BOE IBO Phone (902) 295-3231 • Fax (902) 295-3444
Cape Breton's Magazine