Page 83 - Dr. Jack Yazer, Citizen
ISSUE : Issue 59
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1992/1/1
to sell?) Yeah, when I need it. Because the Aspy would go into Ingonish. And if I need it--my brother would send it up. w'., i,;',_'''''m-'"''' I' d have it there. But ', '.''l'.'.''''''y; -' "''W ../-'??*. most of them you'd try to-??'-"'??'''''''''"''*''*'' sell what you had. Then you came back (to Sydney) and replenished. And you kept going farther. And (when) you came back, the next time, you brought the things they were looking for. See, that time, the only business they had, the only connections they had, was Eaton' s . Eaton' s "'''' Yazer with his horse and packed cart, peddling Down North. This is an obviously rough catalogue was used as a but rare photograph. We would like to find more photographs of early peddlers in Cape Bre- carpetting for the ton. If you have any, please contact Cape Breton's Magazine. Below: a young Jack Yazer. floors. It was used in the kitchen as car? pet, tearing the pages. If you go in the bathroom--not the bathroom, in the out? house- -it was Eaton's catalogue. See, the only thing they had--it was order it. But when a guy came to (the house)--I was news. You know, different people. They were so glad to see you. Somebody coming out from the other side of the world. 'Cause they didn't have buses, they didn't have cars to come in. People from Bay St. Law? rence didn't know what Sydney looked like. People from Sydney didn't know what Bay St. Lawrence looked like. So when you came there--they were glad to see you. Half the time they didn't want to charge you for staying the night. Though we always made a point--Mendel made it clear--you know, pay them. But half the time, now, they'll do anything in the world for you. So you were doing a service--you were sell? ing them things. At the same time, they were happy to see you more as a--not as a movie-- but just to see you.... (No--"as a movie" is interesting. Go on.) You know, you were there, you just saw them, then you brought the store to them. And if they happened to need something, it was a big thing. They didn't have to go looking for it. Didn't have to send away to the Eaton's catalogue for it. So when you were there, you were more--It's a guest. If they liked you. If they didn't like you, you had no chance. If they liked you, there's nothing in the world they wouldn't give you, or wouldn't do for you. (You used the word, "like a mo? vie . " By that do you mean you were like entertain? ment for them?) It would be entertainment. Some? body's coming in, you know--entertainment. Not their next-door neighbour coming in to play cards or chop wood with them. You came in, you were a little different. You brought something different to their life. (I take it your English had improved by SPECIAL PRICING FOR SENIORS! • BURGLARY • FIRE & SMOKE • ROBBERY • SHOPLIFTING • EMPLOYEE PILFERAGE INDUSTRIAL - COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL • Burglary Alarms • Locksmith Service • Sprinkler Monitoring • Close Circuit TV • Fire & Smoke Alarms • Me
Cape Breton's Magazine