Page 87 - Dr. Jack Yazer, Citizen
ISSUE : Issue 59
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1992/1/1
get up early in the morning," you know. I never let on. But I never went to that house again. I've had my lessons. (How do you work? You come to a person's home.) First thing I ask them if they want to buy. (Are you walking?) Oh, yeah. (At first there's no horse-and-wagon.) Oh, no, just walk. (So, you come to a door, and what do you do?) Well, "Would you like to buy something?" You know. It's the first question you ask them, "Like to buy something?" And they don't say, "No." Next thing we do is come on in. "Do you want to lookl at the goods?" Sometimes say, "No, but...." You'll show it to (them). ??v:JI H'Hv m ''m, i lis S' '1 '''''??< '''''''''''''1 "-' l'J They'll see a pair of shoelaces, and a pair of socks, or a tie, or housedress, a pair of stockings. Sometimes a work shirt or underwear he wants. The next time you knew what they needed. You came back, they'd ask you for it.... Then if you like the people, or if you al? ready knew--like, Mendel already told me in what places to stay. 'Cause he already stayed there, you see. So when I ask, can I stay there for the night--"Sure." And when I kept going, the longer I went there, they kept on fighting for me, where I want to stay. This one, "Why don't you come stay here tonight? Why don't you?" You know, they just--"Come and stay here. We'll go someplace and play cards." "Might as well stay here tonight--you can go back there tomorrow." If they liked you, there is nothing they wouldn't do for you. If they don't like you, there is no use in you going there. And I was very fortunate that I got along with them over the years. In 1943 Jack met and married Zelda Glllman from Sherbrooke, Quebec and his son came in--he got this girl in a trouble. And then the mother came in with the girl that was in trouble. And like, in my store I have two doors. The mother came in first--they wanted to see a lawyer. So I gave them the name of a lawyer; they told me the whole story. It's the boy's fault, of course. They walked out the door, and the other one just came in the other door. And they told me the exact same thing. You know, it's the girl's fault, and all that stuff. They want a lawyer. So I had to--you know, just bal? ance it. I didn't know anything about it, of course. But those were the things. And then, when I stopped peddling, when we had this store--Mendel took me in as a partner. He started the store in 1930. Even when we started the store (in Sydney Mines). I remember, this man We plan it all for you. 794-7251 )5S QUEEN ST., NORTH SYDNEY YOU DESERVE THE VERY BEST 562-3139 12 Meadow St. Sydney, Nova Scotia "Baking bread the Polish way since 1929" Good Eating Bon Appetit Smacznego I Bakers of the "perfect" diet breads, our white Italian, Lite and Dark ryes have "no" added sugar, "no" fats, and "no" preservatives Specializing in superb tasting Sicilian style Old Country pan pizza, using wholesome tomatoes, natural spices, and parmesan cheese which has half the calories of fatty mozzarella type pizzas > Baking in a 17th century brick oven and original recipes are the secret to our superior quali- ty international breads and roils which are all preservative free ?? We warmly welcome you to visit us in Whitney Pier YOU DESERVE THE VERY BEST
Cape Breton's Magazine