Page 14 - A Visit with Winston Ruck, Steelworker
ISSUE : Issue 60
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1992/6/1
You may get two days this week. That was the most you could get. (And how good a job were you going to get at the steel plant?) A steady job working seven days a yeekl You were going to get a steady job, in the steel plant. So you were sure of a pay eve? ry week. And you're getting the wages that they paid at that time, which was $3.63 a day, I think it was. It was 43 1/2 cents an hour--do the arithmetic on that. ($3.48 a day.) Seven days a week. Seven days a week. You had to work seven days to get you a $20 bill. You had to work seven days a week to see a $20 bill. 'Cause they had to take off for benefits at that time, and some other deductions that they made. Glace Bay Highway, Sydney, N. S. "FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT" Opening Race Day: May 24,1992 Final Race Day: End of September (REGULAR RACING SCHEDULE EVERY WEEKEND) SPECIAL EVENTS: MASCAR Racing Tractor Pulls Mud Racing Demolition Derbies Stunt Drivers Motorcycle Racing' ?? ?? ?? ?? CALL 564-5464 ??. So in order for you to see a $20 bill--my eyes were like that! Twenty dollars to me! In my pay bag. When I got my first seven days and saw $20 in a pay envelope that belong to me! Merciful heaven, that was-- talk about being on Cloud Nine. But, I got ahead in my story. So, he hired me that day. He said, "I'm not even going to bother to send you for an examination. It's too late. But you come back Monday morning and we'll send you in to see Dr. Lynch"--was the company doctor at that time. And they had a little clinic hospi? tal right there, next to the General Of? fice. But he gave me my clock card, and best of all, he gave me my check number-- 105 7. That was my number. Look, I was so grateful. "I thank you, I thank you, I thank you. Very very much." Now I've got a check number in my hand. And when he gave me that, and--opened the door for me. By this time everybody was pretty well gone now. It was getting on to 5 o'clock, and they generally closed around 4:30, so I was pretty close--I just got in under the wire. 340 WELTON ST. K-MART PLAZA SYDNEY, NS B1P5S4 BRETON BEAUTY COLLEGE • Locally owned & operated • Qualified MHI instructors • Limited student enrollment • 8-month course • Student aid available • Licensed by Province of N. S. • U.I.C. sponsored program available • Modern training facilities 3 enrollments a year: January, May, & September APPLY EARLY FOR OUR NEXT COURSE 562-1208 FULL HAIR CARE SERVICE Instructors: MARGARET McVICAR/GERRY CONDON 181 Charlotte St. 539-4800 ' Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.' J. A. Young & Son Maritime Marlin 'fl''l' Travel OR TOLL FREE 1-800-565-1538 90V W9 ..>rHete' .MevVO':;,eCO?'f ''nox'ejg' Mayflower Mall' 564-0600 Monday-Friday 9 a.m.- 9 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m.- 5 p.m.
Cape Breton's Magazine