Page 15 - A Visit with Winston Ruck, Steelworker
ISSUE : Issue 60
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1992/6/1
I took that and I ran all the way home. You heard that song, "I ran all the way home." I came burst? ing in the door, and I said, "Aunt Vee, Aunt Vee, I got hired! Here's my check num? ber. I've got to go to work tonight, on the backshift." This was II to 7 then. And she was so grate? ful. She hugged me, and she cried. And she went out--she said, "Okay," she put on her coat. She went up to the store--one of the merchants, Jewish merchants, in the Pier. Whatever money she made, she bought me overalls and boots, work gloves, and--socks, and a lunch can. And I went to work that night on the backshift. I was 17 years old, 17 1/2. Talk about gladness and happiness--that was it. And of course, everybody, all my other brothers and two cousins, were all happy because I got the job, because now I could visualize that I would be able to ease the finances of the household. Well, five boys! (What was this job that you had gotten?) This job was in the steel plant--just a labourer. (Which meant?) Which meant that I was going to get a steady pay every week. (But what did it mean that you were going to do? What does "just a labourer" do?) Well, really, I didn't know until I went there. I had no idea. (You still didn't know what your job....) I had no idea. I was just being hired on the steel plant. That's all we knew--we were hired on as a steelworker. And so you go wherev? er they direct you. That's what it was. You go wherever--you were getting a job.... I didn't know nothing! I knew that Part of the maze that confronted a young steelworker during his first days on the plant there were these different departments, all right. That's just because you heard them being spoken about in the community. So I went to work that night. Didn't know how to find my way in to where I had to go. (You'd never been into the steel plant?) No. No. (Lived there all your life but you'd never been....) No. I had no real idea--you couldn't get in. How were you go? ing to get in? (Oh, I see, your father worked there, but you couldn't go into the steel plant.) No. I was down where he worked. I used to take sometimes his lunch down to him, where he worked in the brick Island Crafts"" Old-Fashioned Charm Is Our Trademark Handknit Fishermen's Sweaters • Kitchen Accessories Ruffled Cushions • Baby Items • Hand Appliqued Quilts Intricate Designs in Pottery • Hats & Scarves for Every Age Group Designer Mohair Sweaters • Mad Potters Collection • Boats in Bottle Cookbooks • A Good Selection of Local Literature • I Wholesale | Full Line of Souvenirs | 329 Charlotte St. ~ DOWNTOWN SYDNEY ~ 539-442 OPEN YEAR ROUND: Monday-Saturday: 9-5; Friday: 9-9 The Markland a coastal resort Rel kelax in our luxury log suites and dine on our gourmet food featuring local fish and lamb. ihrill to the play of light and shadow as they dance over the northern seascape. For reservations In the Maritimes call 1-800-565-0000. Or ask the operator for your toll free Check Inn number. Local phone (902) 383-2246 Cabot Trail, Dingwall, Nova Scotia, BOC IGO, Canada
Cape Breton's Magazine