Page 18 - Hughie Dan MacDonnell: Raonall Mac Ailein Oig (Ranald Son of Young Allan)
ISSUE : Issue 13
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1976/6/1
Hughie Dan MacDonnell continued from "Nuair a thainig an oidhche dh'fhalbh Raon? all Mac Ailein Oig agus chaidh e dha'n ghleann 's thainig Colann gun Cheann mar a thainig e an oidhche roimhe. Start am bai? teal 's ma thoisich bha Raonall a* cumail ris, agus chaidh aig Raonall air tionndadh mu'n cuairt slick air • air Colann gun Cheann--agus bha 'choltas air gu robh e a' dol a chur finish air glan. Dh'iarr e'n uair sin fabhar air; a leigeil clear agus gun a mharbhadh. "Leigidh," thuirt esjin, "ma gheallas tu aon rud dhomhsa. Cha fad's a bhitheas buinne dha'm fhuil ann an Al? bainn, nach tig thu dha'n ghleann seo tuil? leadh." Thug e seachad an gealltanas bha seo do Raonall Mac Ailein Oig 's leig Rao? nall clear e. Ach bha sin all right. Bha Raonall Mac Ail? ein Oig aig an taigh. Bha e an sin ??s gun na gnothaichean a' cur moran trioblaid air. Agus an uair ud anns an t-seann duthaich bha boireannaich ann agus bha seachd donais annta. Agus 'nuair a chaochaileadh iad, nam faigheadh iad far na h-eislinnean • 'se eis- linnean a bh'ann an uair ud an aite ciste • nam faigheadh iad far na h-eislinnean 's greim amach, bha iad 'nam bocain thaobhadh an t-aite an uair sin tuilleadh. Ach bha nighean mhor an sin aig duine beartach a bh'ann ann an Albainn agus rinn e amach gu robh na seachd donais innte. Ach co-dhiubh chaochail i. Dh'fhalbh e roimhe 's chuir e fios air Raonall Mac Ailein Oig-- cha b'ur? rainn dha cuimhneachadh air duine na b'fhearr • 's gu robh toil aige 'fhaicinn 's dh'fhalbh Raonall Mac Ailein Oig agus chaidh INSIDE FRONT COVER side." So anyway the night was passing. A short while before midnight Ranald was in the room keeping watch. He noticed her ris? ing up over the planks, and when he saw this Ranald made a leap and caught hold of her. She gave Ranald a swing and landed at the door of the room. The next swing that Ranald gave her, he put her flat on her back on the planks. She gave Ranald another swing and took him as far as the door of the house. Ranald gave her another swing that put her flat on her back on the planks and he held her there until the rooster crowed at midnight. As soon as the rooster crowed she v'ras finished for good. On the morning of the following day Ranald started on his way home. He walked and walked beside the motmtain that he had crossed and finally he lost his way. But then he came across a brook and he began to look at the brook and to follow it in the direction in which it ran. In the early evening he came out in a (settled) place and there was a house there. He went up to the house and there was a big red-haired old woman there together with an exceedingly fine-looking girl. Ranald passed the night with them there and that was all right, and then he went home. A year later the red- haired girl gave birth to a boy. Ranald heard about the girl (giving birth) and he waited until the boy was half-grown. Then he said to himself, "Now I'm going to see if this is really my son." So anyway he left his home and arrived at the place of the old, red-haired woman, and the girl was 'Se seillean a'phosas daoine ri lusan Flemming's Honey Truro and Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia "There's no one lower than us. GEORGE'S DAIRY Baddeck Pro Dive Shop Scuba Courses • Basic and Advanced Rentals Air Station and Rejpairs Atlantic Canada Dive Tours Ltd. Dive Tours Arranged Aboard Our New 42' Dive Boat the "Jeanie I" Starting May 15th Reservations are not necessary Box 416, 500 Esplanade, Sydney 539-7676 Coal-busting>songs, poems and ballad-type stories of adventure of the men who work in the mines. Recording and Songbook' produced and published by Waterloo Music Company, Ltd. and available locally or direct from Waterloo Music Company, Ltd. Box 250, Waterloo, Ontario
Cape Breton's Magazine