Page 47 - Edith Pelley, William Davis's Daughter
ISSUE : Issue 60
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1992/6/1
get the ring. And I was hit? ting the kitchen window, and it broke--the ring broke the window. My father came out on the step, he said, "I'll talk to you when you come home at dinnertime." And when I got home, he was dead. That was my last memory of him alive. I wouldn't have gotten a beating or anything, but he would have talked to me. I was fighting for a scribbler. And scribblers were only a cent then. And I used to for? get mine and leave it on the church steps. We used to sit on the church steps till he would come home. And I'd (put) my scribbler down, and pencil, and forgot it. The next morning I had no scrib? bler or pencil to go back to school. And this is what I was fighting about, for the scribbler--the scribbler. I didn't care about the pencil. But I wanted the scrib? bler. And Mum said, "I bought you a new scribbler yesterday." She said, "You're getting none today." And I got tapping the window. She was sitting at the table. And I kept tapping at the window till the win? dow broke. So I took off! And my father came out on the step, on the front step. And he said to me, "I'll talk to you when you get home, dinnertime." Well, I was kind of scared to come home! Because I didn't know what he was going to do to me. But I knew he wasn't going to beat me. I knew he'd only give me a talking to. Be? cause he didn't believe in beating any of his children. So, we came home from school. We went down to my grandmother's. But on our way down Ha! Ha! Ha! Ho! Ho! Ho! People who read our great little book laugh all the way to the bank. The Mi$er's Guide to Wealth Pendulum Press Box 13344, Kanata, Ontario K2K1X5 was when we were told that our father was dead. So then we went down to my grand? mother's. And I went up on the hill. I heard somebody saying, "Here's the men, they're scabs from the plant." And they were dragging this fellow, and he was all blood and everything. And I was screaming and hollering that it was my father. And this big woman was there. And she picked me up and just set me over the fence. And she started in tearing off pickets off the fence, standing beating the soldiers. But it wasn't my father at all. He was at the undertaking parlour. It was a wild day. And it was wild for a week or two afterwards. There was a bunch of miners-at the crossroads. And they were hollering at (this couple). giving them so long to get out of town. I don't know LAST YEAR DR. GLASS SAVED OVER 1,500 WINDSHIELDS Cheque or Money Order $9.00 WE COULD SAVE YOURS! Author: Ian Nicholson (bom in Whycocomagh) CONNORS @??'l' Typewriters * Typewriter Rentals * Photo Copy Service Drafting Supplies * Office Supplies * Calculators Artist Supplies * Laminating Service * Office Furniture GBC Punch & Bind Machines * Canon Personal Copiers Your One-Stop Shop in Cape Breton! Phone (902) 562-7900 Fax #539-8672 350 Charlotte Street, Sydney ALSO... FULL AUTO GLASS SERVICE • insurance approved V |& AUTO TBIM J UUKEST WINDSHIEIO REPWR NnWORK THE WINDSHIELD SPECIAUSTS ...and your insurance may pay for it because it saves them money! 'FREE' ' coffee while you wait • drop off your car and it'll be ready when you finish work • we'll even pick you up if it's not too far! • our hours are flexible if yours aren't seniors' discount 564-4527 186 PRINCE-SYDNEY at the tracks FREE MOBILE SERVICE
Cape Breton's Magazine