Page 53 - Edith Pelley, William Davis's Daughter
ISSUE : Issue 60
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1992/6/1
When he worked in the mines, (my father) was a pipefitter in the mines. Up at Mount Carmel Convent, he did all the piping up there. That's how he came to know Fr. Nich? olson. And he'd go up there and have a game of cards with him in the evening. But he was a lovely priest. 'Cause the first year that my father died, he brought all our Christmas stuff and brought it to the house to us. But there wasn't one minister came and said, "We'll give you a candy." But the priest did. And the mayor. The mayor of New Waterford, Mayor Hinchey. He was good to us. And every time they had a parade, he %4would go up in the plane. ??"-And when the parade got "* ??* to the graveside, he'd circle around and the plane would lower, and he'd drop a wreath made into a cross onto the grave. Right up until he died. They don't go out to the graveyard now. They go to Davis's Square. And then over in Sydney Mines, and Dominion, Glace Bay, New Waterford. All the mining towns. Now in Springhill. in Stellarton, and they always hold that day up there. They always have a big parade. Sometimes the priest says the service and sometimes the minister has the service. Sometimes the two of them are to? gether- -priest and the minister. (Company officials never did anything for your mum, your family?) No. They didn't care whether we lived or died. No. They did nothing for us. When they took out this 5-cent levy--my brother-in-law used to--him and another man--used to take up collections at the mines on payday. They'd come and bring the money to Mom. Maybe! be $40, $50. And she wasn't getting any pension then. But the miners bur? ied my mother. Be- V V Upper left: Bobby Davis (Edith Peliey's brother) spealting on Davis Day. Right: Edith's brother Bili Davis. Centre: The John D. Gillis Me? morial Trophy (see below). Lower left: A student receiving an essay contest prize. Left to right: l/lrs. Alma Davis Pheifer, IVIrs. Evelyn Da? vis Woods, a student we have not yet Identified, former mayor Gerry IViarsh, Mrs. Cheryl (John D.) Gillis, Mrs. Jean Davis Young. We spoite with Simon White, retired Development and Public Worl
Cape Breton's Magazine