Page 95 - Margaret Neil James - A Love Story
ISSUE : Issue 60
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1992/6/1
the crust of bread for me and for her. And we'd have the crust of the bread--the heel of the bread, like we used to call it. So, little things like that, that she thought about me as well as herself. (What was it that you told me you felt that the children should know that they did not know,,,?) They should know why we got married so soon after I came to Gillis Point. Like, I came in September and we were married in January, You know, that's 5 months. So normally, if you do that, there's always the fear that people will say, "Oh, well, heavens. She came in and she took over, and she just married the man on the rebound, and before he could get time to think." He certainly did get time to think. And it was well thought out. And there was no reason, no other reason for us to get mar? ried, such as having to get married or anything like that. The remark was made in the community, and I heard it, and I was very hurt about it. And this was before we were married, I heard it. And I was very hurt over it, and I started to cry. And I said to Neil, "I'm going to go and say something to her." You know, tell them that that's not so. And he said, "No, don't do that. They will feel even worse when the time comes and they know that they were wrong, than if you went and said some? thing today. You will only probably make enemies that you won't want,..." But I always was afraid that someone would say to the children, you know, that some? thing wrong had happened, that would smear their father or me. And I wouldn't want them to have to live with that, because there wasn't. (So you suggested to Neil, while he lived....) That we should tell W/ "?'F' Front row, left to right: Georgina and IVIary. Back: Francis and IMichael, with a pet lamb (the children). And he said no, he didn't want to get into that. Well, at the time I suggested it to him, he had had a heart operation, and it was just...a few years before he died. I said, "We should, some? time they're all home, talk to them about it." (By this time, the children..,.) They were all grown up. (But he didn't feel they should be told..,,) He said, "No, they should be able to figure that out. And they never asked us, so why should you tell them?" It was like something hanging over me, and I wanted to tell them. So, I told them. The day their father was buried, we all sat around the dining room table to dis? cuss what was going to happen to the ex? penses of the funeral, and the property, and me.... So then I told them that I wanted to tell them about when I came to Gillis Point Real Estate & Insurance "If you're thinking of selling your home, give us a call." Serving Industrial Cape Breton and North Victoria R. Hickey & Co. p. O. Box 96. North Sydney B2A 3M1 While visiting Cape Breton and in Inverness County, be sure to visit one of your Pioneers • ROBIN'S • NOW 226 YEARS OLD • ROBIN, JONES & WHITMAN, LIIVIITED We are proud to be among the first advertisers with Cape Breton's Magazine. Congratulations on Your 20th Year! Cheticamp, N. S, 224-2022 Inverness, N. S. 258-2241 Gerald Brennan, Mgr. Residence: 794-4564 "And rememt>er: No sale, no charge." 794-311.9 YOUR COMPLETE INTERIOR DECORATING CENTRE • [jTT'' Mr. Paint Ltd. "Drop in for personalized, friendly service." ' Free Computer Matching Service < WALLCOVERINGS Simms - Rubberset BRUSHES & PAINTING ACCESSORIES Complete line of ' • - • ' BENJAMIN MOORE PRODUCTS Mo(i"reA/ (residential • commercial • industrial) L'jj'g' (367 GEORGE STREET. SYDNEY, N.S.B1P1K2 ?? 539-342"2) 95
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