Page 9 - Edie MacLeod - Her Glace Bay
ISSUE : Issue 61
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1992/8/1
mixture. And you could get 5 licorice mice for a cent. And Queen's Lunch was about 2 inch es square, and it was filled with coconut and covered with chocolate. That's a big bagful Then--well, there was an old ad in the Courier the other day-- they had brought it in. A hun? dred-pound bag of potatoes for 99C. Unbelievable. And all the work of digging that up. You know, they weren't paid enough. Miners worked for $3.50 a week. And you know that Davis Day we just celebrated? Well, they were making--their pay had gone up to almost $5. And the company decided that was too much. They were going to take 20% off, bring them back to the $3.50. And that's why that big scrap took place. And when the miners wouldn't accept it, they turned off the water and the power, so nobody had any lights or power. That was when the miners marched to Waterford Lake and demanded having the water and the power turned back on. That's when Da? vis was shot. (See "Edith Pel- ley, William Davis's Daughter" in Issue 60 of CAPE BRETON'S MAGAZINE.) You know, when you think of it. And J. B. McLachlan--he was the one that fought to better the miners' situation. He fought--he even went to jail, spent time in jail. And yet a lot of people thought he was a Bolshevist, because he was fight? ing. You know, a lot of the--of course, the management of the mine, they thought he was a Bolshevist. But when you think of him today, he was a hero. J. B. McLachlan. My father was on management. He was either underground manager or one of the things Top: Baptist Junior Aid picnic, 1940's. Below, left: Baptist Junior Aid picnic at Mira, with Jenny Bezan? son, Olive Bezanson, Marian Mosely, daughter Anne, Georgie Bezanson, Belle Anderson, Muriel Peters. Right: picnic in Westmount (left to right) Edie, Mary Turner, Kathleen Hlllier, Katy MacPhee. at Number 2. And of course, we all thought J. B. was a Bolshevist. I know today that he's a hero. Only for him. the lot of the miners would be a lot worse than it is. In 1925. I remember (my father) coming home from the beach one night and seeing Number 2 burning--Number 2 (Company) Store burning. But I don't remember any fight? ing, and I don't remember anything much about any violence. I wasn't in on it. And I wasn't--didn't even see any. But that night I remember seeing the flames from up at the store. And those company stores had Real Estate & Insurance "If you're thinking of selling your home, give us a call." Serving Industrial Cape Breton and North Victoria R. Hickey & Co. p. O. Box 96, North Sydney B2A 3M1 Gerald Brennan, Mgr. Residence: 794-4564 "And remember: No sale, no charge." 794-3119 J WEYMAN CONSTRUCTION LIMITED CRESCENT DR., GLACE BAY 'J':?? . 842-0999 ' 849-0074 ' Housing HOMES CUSTOM BUILT TO rana Rratnn • 'UIT YOUR NEEDS AND PRICED uape ereioners jq suit your budget, call us Since 1974 for styles, sizes & free estimates. Atlantic 5 Year New Home Warranty 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW Includes Basement, Material & Labour, Plumbing, Electrical, Cabinets, Air Exchanger, All Taxes including GST .. After Rebate Price . $43,700. IIORMAWAYINN'S The first choice for fine food and lodging on the Cabot Trail The Normaway is proud to be able to share a part of Cape Breton's culture. Enjoy traditional music, nightly films, a choice selection of Cape Breton books and records, traditional Cape Breton entertainment most spring and fall weekends. You don't have to be a guest of the Inn to enjoy a Normaway evening. Dinner served from 6 to 9 p.m., June 15 to October 15. Reservations suggested. THE NORMAWAY INN 902-248-2987 or 1-800-565-9463 P.O. Box 142, Margaree Valley, Nova Scotia, Canada BOE 2C0
Cape Breton's Magazine